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Hannah Popham is one of the greatest mincers to ever come out of Bray. Hannah showed alot of potential in her younger years for mincing. It was comments like "He'll be hot when hes older", that caught the eye of her mentor in the world of mincing Shane Egan. Shane once said " I have never seen someone with such a natural ability to mince, I knew when I saw her, she could be one of the greats in the mincing world". With a little bit of training it wasnt long before Hannah was mincing with confidence and a certain style never seen before. After only a few weeks of mentoring, Hannah had developed new tactics to improve her mincing style. Shane said "she completely revolutionised the world of mincing, She was a fresh mind with fresh ideas. She thought me things I never knew, she showed me that the detail is important, down to the smallest thing like the colour of your clothes". Hannah's trademark colour is purple (a purple seen on a certain make of candy bar) which is very effective and has led to many other mincers adopting this colour. Hannah is an up and comer in the world of mincing and it is projected that by 2010