User:Sejanus\St Ides Abbey

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St. Ides Abbey
St Ides Arms.jpg
(Coat of Arms)
Motto: Every Man For Himself
Proclaimed by Letters Patent Saturday May 6 2006
Priories Chadsonbury
St. Gamblor
St. Mark the God-Botherer
Located in Abbey-Duchy of
St Ides
Abbot Sejanus
Prior Drusus
Court Court of the Abbey-Duchy
Official language English
Currency Either one of these, depending on which one is more worth:
  1. Dollar
  2. Soul
Religion Church of Uncyclopedia

St Ides Abbey is a grand monastic building that houses the Order of St Ides, an Order of the Church of Uncyclopedia. Dedicated to St. Ides (Patron Saint of Malt Liquor), the Order is headed by the Abbot Sejanus.

History[edit | edit source]

The Order was founded under the patronage of the Privy Council on May 6 2006, when Brother Sejanus achieved Enlightenment The most significant vision he Saw was that money can in fact, buy Happiness. To this end, he swiftly hoodwinked the Privy Council of Uncyclopedia to allow him a Abbey-Duchy and several members of the Nobility to get

  1. Money
  2. Land
  3. The town of New Chadsonbury

By nightfall all three of the targets had been achieved and, following a quick Pact with Satan, the new Abbot turned around to see a Palace/Abbey fully constructed, the new pain smell not even there. Looking out from the high tower, Sejanus could now survey his lands and sit back and await the massive feudal dues that he was about to enforce.

Organisation[edit | edit source]

Title Name
Prior of St Ides Prior Drusus
Prior of Chadsonbury Prioress Livilla
Prior of St Gamblor Prior Phaedrus
Prior of St Mark the God-Botherer None
Sacrist None
Circuitor None
Cellarer None
Chamberlain None
Kitchener Prioress Apicata
Guest-Master None
Chancellor of the Duchy of St Ides None
Prior-Marshal of St Ides Brother Conformity101

Within weeks, hundreds of new Monks had flocked to the Abbey. Sejanus now had the military force he needed to defend his new Duchy Palatine, although many of the Monks were sent off to the Priory of Chadsonbury, to pray for his soul (ie trying to take it back from Satan). The Court of the Abbey-Duchy of St Ides is the only combined Ecclesiastic-Civil Court in Uncyclopedia and has jurisdiction only in the User:Sejanus\St Ides Abbey\* pages. Not that that means it won't try to do something about that. The Abbot of St Ides is assisted by many officals listed to the left.

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