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==============ABOUT THE AUTHOR===============[edit | edit source]
Sealion Wins.JPG

-Born: Texas

-Died: only on the inside when he left Texas

1 Early life

 1.1 Born in Hospital
 1.2 Self-Education
 1.3 Revolutionary

2 The victorious generalism

 2.1 The "whiff" ending baseball career 
 2.2 The High School campaign of 90-93
 2.3 The Undergraduate expedition of 93-96
 2.4 Non-exile to Colorado
 2.5 Second undergraduate expedition of 97-98

3 Ruler of Florida

  3.1 The coup of "The U"
  3.2 The First Classes
  3.3 A not so romantic interlude
  3.4 Emperor
  3.5 The War of South Beach (against daylight hours)
  3.6 Invasion of Credit Cards
  3.7 The War of the Bar Exam (a/k/a Cruelty of the Obsolete) 
  3.8 He was never exiled.  That was patently untrue. 

4 I repeat. Never exiled. yet.

5 Marriage and children

  5.1 What a looker!
  5.2 Parental pressure for remake into Grandparents.
  5.3 The next chapter (future additions?)

6 --Section omitted by author--

7 Legacy

8 Misconceptions about Sealion's height

  8.1 Aquatic creatures measured by length.

9 See also for original content

10 References

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