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I have now🕐 become an 👺enemy😡 of all💯 of you👉😱, which should come💦 as bad 🗞news📰📺. The 👫majority 🚫oppression❌ just gained📈 a follower👥🐦. Sincere 🎊congratulations🎂🎉 to you guys🚶. I hope 💄💋RPDR💃🏽👠 gets cancelled🚫❌ and none of you every see👀 a glimpse👁🕵️‍♀️ of the social and political ✅equality👨‍👨‍👧👩‍👩‍👧 so you so eagerly 😩desire😈. Have fun🎉 always being a whiny😭😖 social minority➖🌈 that never escalates🚡 their status because they refuse🙅‍♂️ to convert people to their side🌈. You guys took an L❓🤔 on this one. Score 11️⃣ for the straight 💑 white👻 cis 👨‍👦man 🚶🍺 community. Look at the 🌝contrast🌚 in our reactions😡😇. I realized reddit 🐮beef🐄 is utterly useless and not worth💸 my time⏳ as I have real people🙅‍♂️🤖 to see👀 and real things🎮 to do in my daily life that do not involve Reddit. Multiple✖️ posts📬📮 have been made about me👦👈 across multiple✖️ subs⬇️🚤 because apparently you guys👬 have way too much ⏰time⌚️ to sit🛋 and dwell🤔 about insignificant🐜 drama🎭. That's probably why you watch👀 reality TV📺🖥 in the 🏅first place🏅, if I had to guess🤔. I will be deleting❌😩 this account shortly🏇⏱, but I will be back on Reddit😱👹. Never to return✈️ to this region🌍👈🏼 of the site, but just know🤓 that I will be out there👉🏼, fighting💪🏻👊🏻 for the other 🏈team🙎🏼‍♂️🇺🇸 from now⌚️ on. So again, 🎉🎊congratulations🎈🎂. If making the oppressor 💪stronger🏋️‍♀️ was your ⚽️goal🏃, you all succeeded✅🎊😄 with ✈️flying🕊 🌈🏳️‍🌈colors❤️💛💚💙💜. I'm gonna be A-okay👌 in my life🙌. You guys are 🔥condemned👿 to an eternity⌛️❌ of saltiness🌊🏖🏝 and anger😡👺 toward👉🏼 perceived👀 ⬇️oppressors❌🏳️‍🌈. I am at peace🕊😇 just knowing🎓 that. I no longer📏 have sympathy😪 for any of you besides a ➖minority➖ few that have reached👐🙏 out to me💁‍♂️👈. I will never🙅‍♂️ dedicate a shred of ⚡️energy⚡️ to any cause surrounding 💄👠RPDR👗 💋💃🏽or the 🏳️‍🌈LGBT community🌈 because of all of your actions. So please🙇, throw a 🎂party🎉🎊 and 🍰celebrate🎈🍾 that. Apparently that is your ⚽️goal🏃‍♀️; complain about ❌oppression🚫 while simultaneously↕️ refusing🙅 to explain yourself 👈to them👉. It's a recipe🍝🍽 for total💯 ☄️disaster💥💣, which I hope😇 I live⚰❌ to see👀👁. Goodbye✋🙋🏼‍♂️ cruel😭😰 world🌎🌏🌍, and please consider🤔 this👉. The amount of people👥👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 I have instructed✍️ to committ suicide🚊🌉👉⚰: 0❌0️⃣. The amount of times⏰📰 I have been instructed to commit 🛀⚡️suicide🔫⚰: 33️⃣. As someone who lost a friend to suicide at age 12, those 3 can go straight👉 to hell🌋👺🔥 and never🙅‍♂️ return🛬, because they are the absolute💯 worst🗑💩 type of 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦human👩‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 garbage🗑🚮 that can ever exist. I would argue🤔😡 that they are 💯legitimately✅ worse💩🚮 people👥 than some real✅💯 Nazis👮🙋🏼‍♂️ that worked at Auschwitz. No❌ 😇good😇 person tells🗣 anyone to kill🔪🔫⚰ themself👈. Please 🚫refrain✋ from telling🗣 people👥 to kill🔪🔫⚰ themselves👈 on the internet🌐💻 in the future🕒⏩, one1️⃣ of them could actually do it🔪 and then you'd get 👮🏽locked👮🏻‍♀️🚔 up for 🌐cyberbullying😡😰👊🏻 because those are the 💁‍♂️laws👮🏻‍♀️🚔 now⏱💅.