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Runescape is one of the most the most exciting fantasy LMOG (Lame Multiplayer Online gayme) designed for extreme playing style and fun.

After a short visit at the developing studios of this marvelous game we came back with a couple of pictures:


This is a p2p (play to pay) game with several servers for members and non-members. After the insane amount of ten minutes of playing AND talking with other pr0's of the game I made a list of all advantages and disadvantages of both members and non-members.

Members Advantages: 1.There is the huge amount of three servers dedicated just to them and they have to wait only 4-5 hours to be able to login and play. 2. Unlike non-members they ***see article II (Non-Member->Member)*** Disadvantages: -

Non-Members Advantages: - Disadvantages: 1.The world is too big and there is too much to explore it takes 43 minutes to travel the map N-S/W-E 2.There are just too many monsters to fight and this lead to total depression for you can never say "I didn't kill that monster". 3.Too many items to chose from. 4.You aren't allowed to donate more than 1739$$/day

Article II - Non-Member->Member

Why do you want to do this?

Well there are a few very simple reasons:

When you become a member you no longer have access to all maps so this makes the exploring much shorter so the game it's easier and much more fun.

When you become a member you have less items available so you don't have to screw your mind to decide which to chose.

The chances of being banned from the game for following the rules are a lot higher.

You HAVE to pay 5000$/everyday for all those bonuses.

Article III - In game skills

Non-Members have too many skills to handle so they can't afford doing them all. Another advantage of becoming a member: less skills to handle=more time to practice the skills you've got.

After a short interview with both a member and a non-member:

Member(Serghay): "I like being a member. After all those hours of playing I've finally realized what I like most to do in it: Fight epic beasts, craft magic runes, fart, cut trees, pick flowers, fart, fish, explore dangerous dungeons and fart.

Non-member(Cunt_Bihor): "I do not like being a member for I have too much to do. I have to go play The Dick of Gunthix 3 times a day so I can buy the Berserker shield of dragon to be able to kill the Ebulian the 1235645756 level Purple Lame drag0n and after that I have to complete 3 quests so I can buy wooden/granite alloy rod to fish herring and make pizza.."

After all I've studied about the game I just decided it is too pr0 for me so I'll let others play instead of me. Good Luck!