In the begning there was light and nothing but light and then the elder god Cuthulu said let there be darkness and there was. The eldar gods then created the Seas of blood and the land of bones and in the middle of the land he created a bone fortress showing all the wonders of his creation. The dragons of the sky, the hell hounds, penguins and deamons of the land. The ocyupi and sharks to fill the seas. Then the eldar gods created the black mage. then black mage got bored of jerking off all the time so he had a cry to the Eldar gods. Then the Eldar gods split black mage in four. The Shade, The Goth, The Emo and The scene kid. Then the dark eldar gods sought to populate his third step cousin twice removed's with his dark creation so he built an ark. The Ark sailed for forty years and forty night as there was no day time in the dark eldar realm only twilight and night. anway the dark Eldar gods populated the earth with two of every animal. two shades who become adictided to MMORPG's and try and make shade classes in all the video games they play. Two Goths so that death metal would be created and then fused with the soft cock emo rock and the even soft cockier scene kid rock and form Metal, Alternative Rock (it's diferent to indie) and punk and the dark eldar gods saw it was good. now the god on earth couldn't combat the dark force and the new hybrid metal heads, punk rockers and moshers created by the dark eldar god. so he decided to create rap, the hood, the gheto, rap and african americans (previously earth had only been populated by the french, jews and asians) and he saw that it sucked ball so he created jazz to make up for it. Then some french dudes created techno and the whole tree of music was created as can be seen by this simple graph
death metal = DM indie = In soft cock rock = SCR
DM + In = Metal 2In + Dm = Alternative rock SCR + DM = Punk
then rap = RNB jazz = ZZ house = DFT Punk = PNK Metal = M Alternative rock = AR
DFT + PNK = Techno = Tech
RNB + SCR + DFT = pop = Pop
ZZ + M = classic rock = CR
CR + M = retro metal
Tech + M = industrial metal
M^2 = heavy metal
M^2 + AR + DFT = pop metal
DM^2 + 3DM - 9 = Destructo Metal = DsM
DsM + DM + HM = slaughter metal
Dft + tech + Rnb = retro remix ripoffs
RRR + RM + CR + drumbeat = timerland
In + Ar + Pnk = skater rock
2Pop + Rnb + RRR = Blonde solo artist = BSL
5BSL = boy band or girl group
5 CR = Super group
and thats how mathamusic works kidies it all began with the dark eldar gods...
i supose i should sign here then--Black Mage 11:26, 29 May 2008 (UTC)
Black Mage (eldar god aprentice)
James your mactasticness can't save you now