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RINTI[edit | edit source]

Eric Rintimaki, age 15, currently attends Southwest high school. He is a below-average student. He enjoys black fire and plasma. One day he hopes to create a plasma gun. He is very well known at the local paintball field for being a jerk. He always screams at people when he gets out during a match, and is almost always the first to get out. In a series of recent events, Rinti has claimed that the only reason that Americans won the Revolutionary War was because they went back in time with M-16's. Rinti hates stupid people. He also has a very hip mullet.

Quotes: -"I'm going to the snake guys, and not gonna stop."

-"I'm gonna rip your mask of and shoot you in the face!"

-"Hey Harcus"

-"Hey Dom"

-"Plasma and Black Fire"
