Flutatipusnousemex[edit | edit source]
Flutatipusnousemex, or by its common name, flutapus, is a rare, however prevalent disease of the bronchial tubes and lower esophagus.
Usually affecting mammals, this virus nonetheless has avian strains, and is relatively serious among chickens, causing nearly 8% of chicken deaths each year.
Symptoms of this disease include extreme nausea, fatigue, copious green mucus, coughing, and includes but is not limited to; vomiting, diarrhea, and in rare cases, hemorrhages.
Though its symptoms are frequently severe, among humans risk of death is somewhat minimal, and the virus usually deterioriates after 2-4 days. Due to the viruses resilient nature and quick progression, a vaccine has yet to be found.
The origins of this virus stems from Sweden in 2004, where a local Inuit tribe developed symptoms after eating a unknown food source, possibly drowned polar bear.
The virus can be spread through the air, but is more commonly spread through food, and surprisingly some artificially flavored fruit snacks. Due to this prevalence, some "fruit snack" companies have issued recalls, causing some public outrage over raised prices.
However, scientists across the world have attempted valiantly to eradicate the strain, and as of October of 2010, the only reported case was reported in central Vermont.
And Tori, I can see you.
Flutatipusnousemex has never existed and hopefully, never will.