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The Leader. The Legend. The Playboy. Plus Time

I am the almighty OptimusPrime...Time. I am OptimusPrimeTime, keeping stupid [Megatron] from killing time. I'm just like the other [Optimus Prime], but I'm cooler because I have time at the end of my name and it rhymes with Prime, so it sounds cool. And it is implied that I can travel through time and exist in the fourth dimension. Woooh, spooky. I can go back in time and spank your dad on the ass when he's having sex with your mother to conceive you, and that just might freak out your parents enough to stop having sex and therefore you never exist. :O. Luckily for you, I'm not evil like MegatronTime. What a stupid name Megatron Time, it doesn't even rhyme, and he can't even travel through time, he just wanted to copy off of me, that bastard. Anyways, I want to give a shoutout to all my autobot homies out there: HEYOOO!