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Banned Indefinitely
<DGNeree> hello <Olipro> yeees? <DGNeree> i have had a chat with Spang <DGNeree> we made an arrangemet <DGNeree> Manticore would leave me in peace and i him <DGNeree> spang unblocked my account on uncyclopedia <DGNeree> and i unblocked manticore from unmeta and uncommons <DGNeree> now spang unblocked me <DGNeree> ut i still can't edit <DGNeree> <DGNeree> could you fix that? <Olipro> yes <DGNeree> :) <DGNeree> good. i wanted to give him some dutch apple pie <Olipro> need to find the bloody userID corresponding to your username <Olipro> this is why I hate mediawiki <DGNeree> would you care fr a slice? <DGNeree> hm... <Olipro> I'd prefer a Dutch Burgher <Olipro> :P <Olipro> hmm <Olipro> nope, nothing here <Olipro> you should be good to go * DGNeree goes to the ktchen, but only finds hamburgers <DGNeree> they are german <DGNeree> ok, i'll try to find you a dutch burger <DGNeree> just a sec. <DGNeree> nope, still blocked <DGNeree> it must have been along time since you people blocked someone? <DGNeree> i mean UNblocked? <DGNeree> Olipro? <DGNeree> jesus christ, this is worse than i thought <Olipro> the server is probably just slow <Olipro> there's no other block on you <DGNeree> ok <DGNeree> Uw IP-adres is automatisch geblokkeerd omdat het is gebruikt door een andere gebruiker, die is geblokkeerd door Manticore. De opgegeven reden is: <DGNeree> Autoblocked because your IP address has been recently used by "D. G. Neree". The reason given for D. G. Neree's block is: "Trolling on User talk:Manticore" <DGNeree> * Aanvang blokkade: 21 mrt 2008 02:45 <DGNeree> * Einde blokkade: 22 mrt 2008 02:45 <DGNeree> U kunt deze blokkade bespreken met Manticore of een andere beheerder. U kunt geen gebruik maken van de functie 'e-mail deze gebruiker', tenzij u een valide e-mailadres heeft opgegeven in uw voorkeuren en het gebruik van deze functie niet is geblokkeerd. Uw huidige IP-adres is en het blokkadenummer is #27703. Vermeld beide gegevens als u ergens over deze blokkade reageert. <DGNeree> U kunt de brontekst van deze pagina bekijken en kopiëren: <DGNeree> it says <DGNeree> your ip adress is autoblocked <DGNeree> Spang didnt put the right date? <DGNeree> 22 is tomorrow <DGNeree> Olipro, no offece, but are there still any capable admins on Uncyclopedia? Or has it just become a wilderness? <Olipro> not at this time of day <Olipro> however <Olipro> go see in #wikia <Olipro> a staffer can check it over <Olipro> might just be that I'm tiresd <Olipro> *tired <Olipro> but I didn't find any associated blocks <DGNeree> i want nothing to do with wikia <DGNeree> and i am sure not going to whine there ab out my block <DGNeree> i am bitterly dissapointed that a wikia janitor can repeatedly ban me from irc and block me from uncyclopedia and no uncyclopedia-admin can unblock me <DGNeree> i can tell you: Oncyclopedie will never be under wikia <DGNeree> as long as i am there to prevent it <DGNeree> i'll check out the channel. <DGNeree> yhey hate my guts as i do theirs <DGNeree> Olipro, who is a staffer on that god dammned arrogqnt wikia channel? <DGNeree> arrogant <DGNeree> no luck there <DGNeree> very nice. now i am blocked from the channel again too. <DGNeree> i tell you, this is not over <DGNeree> this will go on untill i am unblocked from the site and the channel <DGNeree> are tou still there? <Olipro> sort of <Olipro> somewhat busy <DGNeree> who is tis Manticore guy anyway. he a friend of yours? <DGNeree> is wikia now boss over uncyclopedia? <Olipro> he's Australian, I'm British, not really <DGNeree> why is he blocking me whenever i come on a site or a channel where he is? <Olipro> why don't you ask him that? <DGNeree> heh... i do nothing but that <DGNeree> the only answer is\; trolling and whining <Olipro> I see <Olipro> what's wrong with that answer? <DGNeree> but that is no answer <Olipro> what answer would you prefer to hear? <DGNeree> because i am a writer of funny articles. i have helped the dutch oncyclopedie to become a living and growing site and i am an admin there, and on uncommons <DGNeree> i had two projects with wikia going, but they are dead now, thanks to Manticore <Olipro> actually, you were de-opped on one of your "projects" for threatening to ban staff <DGNeree> <DGNeree> no. i sked angela to deop me <Olipro> really <DGNeree> as you can see, i wrote the goodbye text before i was deoped <Olipro> so it had nothing to do with the fact you blocked MathPoet <DGNeree> sorry, it was catherine <Olipro> oh, and Jack Phoenix for that matter <Olipro> as someone external to all this, personally, I'd say you're mentally unstable <DGNeree> what? no of course not. I blocked Mathpoet? Maybe in the beginning to show him the buttons <DGNeree> Jack Phoenix yes <DGNeree> i blocked him <DGNeree> after 3 times of telling and two reverals of edits <Olipro> yes, he's a Janitor <Olipro> you're not allowed to do that <DGNeree> it was about redirects <DGNeree> he wasnt then <Olipro> he was <DGNeree> ok, maybe he was <DGNeree> i have then talked with catherine about <Olipro> all central wikia staff redirect talk to the central wikia site <DGNeree> we made the policy on paradoxology: No redirects from talk pages to other wikis, not even wikia centrl <DGNeree> al <DGNeree> we wanted talks about paradox to be on that wiki. not somewhere else <Olipro> he's wikia staff <Olipro> it's just his talk page <DGNeree> so we talked it out, Catherine, Jack and me <Olipro> for talking to him <Olipro> not for discussing paradoxology <DGNeree> [11:26] <DGNeree> so we talked it out, Catherine, Jack and me <Olipro> and as a general rule of thumb, you *do not* tell people what to do with their personal pages <DGNeree> everything was sorted out <Olipro> beyond preventing profanity <DGNeree> [11:26] <DGNeree> so we talked it out, Catherine, Jack and me <DGNeree> and we settled the question <Olipro> yes, I spoke with MathPoet too <Olipro> he was asking my advice about it at the time <Olipro> now I know why <DGNeree> there was no policy on redirects, so we were free to make our own policy <DGNeree> if you talked to mathpoet, why do you accuse me of blocking him? <Olipro> because I never discussed that with him <Olipro> I'm looking at the logs on the site <Olipro> and I see you blocked him <DGNeree> we blocked eachother to learn the buttons <DGNeree> MathPoet didn't know ANYTHING about wikis <Olipro> yes, OK <Olipro> I see it now <DGNeree> ok <DGNeree> so, when the argumet witj Jack Phoenix was over, a week later Manticore stepped in <DGNeree> he started accusing me of admin abuse <DGNeree> and talked a few buddies to make a redirect uerpage on paradoxology too <DGNeree> so Pinky and him and others, (sannse i think) started making redirect p\ges <Olipro> the bottom line is that a Wiki is supposed to be an open-natured culture <DGNeree> but the policy on paradox was: no direct redirects to oyher wikis <Olipro> if you try to control people then they'll piss off because they're getting nothing back <DGNeree> people should respect the policy on a wiki <Olipro> or just not bother with it at all <Olipro> which is what the majority will do <Olipro> you think Wikipedia would be where it is if they had that sort of attitude? <DGNeree> but never mind that.... i never blocked anyone after Jack <DGNeree> only Manticore started a feud against me <DGNeree> blockd me from irc <DGNeree> accused me of trolling <DGNeree> whining <DGNeree> and i haven't been able to be on irc since <DGNeree> i mean on #uncyclopedia <Olipro> yes, well you largely brought that upon yourself <DGNeree> MathPoet and i started that wiki <Olipro> both Manticore and Codeine banned you <DGNeree> he did it. <DGNeree> no, i didnt bring that upon myself <DGNeree> Manticore started attacking every move i made <DGNeree> and as soon as he had op-access on irc, he banned me <Olipro> well, when you draw attention to yourself <Olipro> people will turn <DGNeree> i never interfered with him outside the paradox site, a wiki MathPoet and i created <Olipro> look <DGNeree> i don't carew about attention <Olipro> I don't really see where I factor into this <Olipro> I'm not the person to be talking to <DGNeree> i asked you to finish the unblocking that Spang didnt finish right. You couldn't and told me to ask wikia staff.i went to the channel and there was Manticore. i said i wanted to talk to staff, so he blocked me from the channel and the blocked me from #uncyclopedia again too <DGNeree> so now we are back at the beginning: <Olipro> yes, primarily because instead of asking politely you started making wise-ass remarks <DGNeree> war <Olipro> so again <Olipro> you brought it upon yourself <DGNeree> i blocked him again on Uncommons an Unm3eta <Olipro> I'm sure he's devastated * DGNeree shrugd his shoulders <DGNeree> what can i do? <Olipro> learn not to be so abrasive and turn everyone against you? <DGNeree> what did i bring upon myself? tell me <Olipro> to be honest, you come across as both arrogant, caustic and having a generally bad attitude <Olipro> which, is not a good mixture when dealing with authority <DGNeree> you mean: say yes when you are supposed to? No i will not do that. <Olipro> no, I mean don't be a prick <Olipro> nobody's being unreasonable <DGNeree> caustic? like in caustic soda? <Olipro> you are turning requests into demands as a result of your own misguided self-importance <DGNeree> I am angry, because i don't like to be banned for no reason <DGNeree> and i hate seeing uncyclopedia faal into the hands of people like that <Olipro> you're angry because you blinded yourself from seeing the reason you were banned <Olipro> because you choose to ignore people when they tell you why you were banned <Olipro> because basically, you're living in some world inside your head <DGNeree> tell me then, Olipro:Why was i banned? <Olipro> easy, making a nuisance of yourself <Olipro> you're not the first <DGNeree> Olipro, don't kid me. I am a mature man. I hV MY BUSINESS IN TOWN <Olipro> and you won't be the last <DGNeree> i have an antique shop <DGNeree> i am not a schoolkid <Olipro> no, you're not anything special either <DGNeree> and i really don't are what happens to uncyclopedia <DGNeree> but i will not let my ass be kicked by a rolling janitor <Olipro> well sadly it will <Olipro> because he holds all the cards <Olipro> and you don't <DGNeree> nope <Olipro> now, everyone else seems to get along just fine <Olipro> except you <Olipro> I wonder why that might be <DGNeree> he holds cards i don't need, and the fight for me is just for fun <Olipro> well if it's for fun, then you admit you're trolling <Olipro> case closed, guilty as charged <DGNeree> yes, strange that on the wikis i work on there is no trouble at all <DGNeree> no. <DGNeree> i didnt start it <DGNeree> i go for my right to edit uncyclopedia and talk on irc <Olipro> actually it's not a right <Olipro> it's a privilege <DGNeree> because i go thre for fun <DGNeree> so irc and uncyclopedia is manticore's privilege? <DGNeree> it is a privilege for him too <Olipro> no, he just oversees the execution of necessary justice <Olipro> look, when you went into #uncyclopedia <Olipro> and you complained <DGNeree> and he hasnt the right to kick other out <Olipro> many sided with Manticore <Olipro> now <Olipro> when the majority is on his side <Olipro> who do you think has it wrong? <DGNeree> the one who doesnt explain his actions <Olipro> they have been explained <Olipro> time and again <Olipro> you choose to ignore them <Olipro> I already said it twice <DGNeree> and having a lot of people on your side is no proof at all <Olipro> but again you choose to ignore that and assume you are perfect <Olipro> not at all at fault <DGNeree> a lot of people killed jesus <DGNeree> and alot of people followed hitler <Olipro> yes, but we're not killing the Jewish <DGNeree> no, youre banning people from yhe site <Olipro> you see, conversely <DGNeree> and the channel <Olipro> a lot of people hated Saddam Hussein <Olipro> because he was a prick <Olipro> so that's my counter-point <DGNeree> i dont care about that man <DGNeree> i dont know him <Olipro> well I don't care about hitler then <Olipro> see, you're doing it again <Olipro> you're just ignoring what I say <DGNeree> i am asking: why am i banned from the uncuclopedia channel and site <Olipro> wrapped up in your little dream world where you're always right <DGNeree> and nobody can give a reason <Olipro> ok, that's it <Olipro> I give up <Olipro> many have given a reason <Olipro> but you're clearly off your fucking trolley <DGNeree> so tell me in 3 words: WWhy? <Olipro> you need to be sectioned or something <DGNeree> why, olipro? <DGNeree> tell me * Received a CTCP PING 1206096888 from cmonex <Olipro> trolling and repeated, continuous complaining to the point of becoming a nuisance <Olipro> AND page vandalism <DGNeree> page vandalism? <Olipro> calling someone a "scrotum" on their talk page is not what Uncyclopedia encourages <DGNeree> you are referring to BENSON? <Olipro> no <Olipro> I'm referring to the dutch insults you placed on Manticore's page <DGNeree> well, yes, that i did yesterday, because he has been hassling me for fucking monthjs now <Olipro> right, so that makes it OK does it? <DGNeree> and i want this thing solved <Olipro> as you say <Olipro> "people should follow wiki policies" <DGNeree> no, because i am anned again <Olipro> and our policy says "don't throw abuse" <Olipro> and you violated that policy <DGNeree> our policy said:NO REDIRECTS <Olipro> yes, but what's nastier <Olipro> insulting people <Olipro> or putting a redirect in <Olipro> I'd say the insults <DGNeree> so manticore should have respected thjat <Olipro> well as I recall <DGNeree> he started banning me before i ever spoke to him <Olipro> after talking with MathPoet <Olipro> he decided it'd be OK to allow talkpage redirects <Olipro> so I don't agree with that point <DGNeree> look. he started banning me for nothing <Olipro> no <Olipro> you chose to ignore the reasons he banned you <DGNeree> I want the ban uplifted and i will go on fighting for that <Olipro> also, we're re-addressing points we've already gone over <Olipro> you're making me repeat myself <Olipro> which shouldn't be necessary <Olipro> as I said, you need to go get yourself checked <DGNeree> you are the one that doesnt want to listen <Olipro> ah, deflection <Olipro> you're losing your mind pal <DGNeree> i have told you very clearly ehat happened <Olipro> and I addressed you very clearly <Olipro> hell, it's still there <Olipro> scroll back and read it <DGNeree> telling me i am insane? <DGNeree> man, you are really something <Olipro> you're not necessarily insane <DGNeree> hahahaha <Olipro> but you're not right in the head <DGNeree> Olipro, you couldn't even unbock me properly <DGNeree> unblock <DGNeree> if you had known what is going on <Olipro> yes, the fact that Mediawiki sorts blocks badly is clearly my fault <DGNeree> you wouldnt have sai go ask on #wikia <Olipro> well, I was considering the possibility that Wikia staff have a secondary method to block accounts <Olipro> such as a global block <DGNeree> in fact, you are the one living in a dream <Olipro> again, there's the deflection <DGNeree> i never got to the staff, did i? <Olipro> but I'll humour you <Olipro> no, you didn't <DGNeree> Manticore was there and he blocked me <Olipro> yes, because you were unable to resist the temptation to be a prick <DGNeree> so Spang made an arrangement. <DGNeree> I would leave Manticore alone and he me <DGNeree> i would be unblocked <Olipro> <Manticore> if you're not willing to ask for help, and presume you need staff help, then use the staff contact form as indicated <Olipro> <DGNeree> Look, i am dutch. the dutch are masters at sending someone from now2here t eternity <Olipro> that's where it started <Olipro> and YOU started it <DGNeree> same story, rea it again <Olipro> up until then, he had only provided instruction <Olipro> well <Olipro> you failed to leave him alone <Olipro> THEN <Olipro> you said this <Olipro> <DGNeree> Ik Manticore. SIEG HEIL! BEFEHL IST BEFEHL <Olipro> <DGNeree> so there is no help on this channel? only janitors that show you the door? <Olipro> he'd said NOTHING offensive <DGNeree> no, i went to the channel to ask something to a wikia staffer man <Olipro> right <DGNeree> and he interfered <Olipro> and because there wasn't one there, that gave you the right to AGAIN be abusive? <DGNeree> i said: a staffer, not a janitor <Olipro> HE DIDN'T FUCKING INTERFERE, HE GAVE YOU CONTACT INSTRUCTIONS YOU STUPID LITTLE MAN <DGNeree> because he is the only goddamn janitor there <Olipro> a Janitor is IDENTICAL to a staffer in powers <Olipro> they just don't get paid <Olipro> he could have sorted your problem just fine <Olipro> but noooo <DGNeree> i am not stupid and i bet i'm bigger than you <Olipro> you chose to throw abuse <Olipro> I don't give a shit if you are <DGNeree> you are losing your cool <Olipro> also, stop talking to me, consider me another person you've managed to put on your enemies lost <Olipro> you are either the world's best troll <Olipro> or in need of desperate help <DGNeree> no. <Olipro> I bid you a good day. <DGNeree> whatever <DGNeree> you suck as an admin <DGNeree> you really do <Olipro> you suck as a human being. <Olipro> you really do <DGNeree> thanks <DGNeree> i know now who is saying it <DGNeree> but you go and suck manticores dick <DGNeree> and use this sentence against me if you like <Olipro> bingo