User:Notorious L.I.L.

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Primary, totally important thing's ta'nieu:

Number forums thrown out of: 4. Started on're 'net: 2001. Got power on: 'Re D-Wiki 'Rot Teh-K, MoÀ own's web-page'Os,'s forum's, and occasionly some channel's on irc, but only temporarily, 'cuz I've laid up moÀ "irc warrior"-stuffZle.

Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.

Secondary, unimportant stuff to know:

Age is 20. Sex is Male. Nationality is Norwegian, an'I just broke'cho BISCHZ-arseholio's set-up for an ASL!

Plus, channel's I recently had power on irc was #Communism and #Books, go figure.

I try to lead're #Psychology and #Ideology-channel too. To no avail. But who're hell gives a shitzle? It's fun, 'tho!--OleMurder Ruleson 18:18, 30 August 2006 (UTC)