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O salami? lick em.

Translation: Pieces of Body Parts, and Blessing be upon you all.

I am Muhammad ibn Abdullah bin Nasir wa Ali Mustafa abu Zarqawi II (B.S., M.S., M.A., Ph.D, Sc.D, XxX), direct descendant of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdallah. Too many people are ignorant of the Religon of piss Peace and Love. So i'm here to give my expertise on science, geology, women and the quran aka Cue-iRan. I currently have 4 wives, divorced 6 other bitches for being boring in bed and also because al-Islame teaches me to only have sex within marriage, ya DIG! My hobbies are banging my head against the floor 5 times a day, eating strong tandoori with donkey dick, a 4 way with my bitches, reading the Cue-iran, prosletyzing islame in the streets of manchesthair and most of all praising Allah.