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“Who the hell is he?”

~ Buzz Osborne on Melvana

“I fucked up big time on this one.”

~ God on Melvana

My name appears again below. I have no idea why.

“So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever MelvanaInChains from among the just, And shall cast MelvanaInChains into the furnace of fire: and there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

~ Jesus on MelvanaInChains
The man himself

The Truth[edit | edit source]

Chuck Norris is not fucking funny.
Jesus Christ.

Articles I Wrote[edit | edit source]

If'n you wanna contact me an' shit[edit | edit source]

I'm the same exact username on Steam and Skype, so talk/scream/yell/holler/complain to me there.

This user loves to play the drums, and usually hangs out with musicians.

This user is a Gamer and therefore creepy.