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The True Story of Einstein[edit | edit source]

Einstein: e=mc2 cuz i SAY so BITCHES!now get get on ur knees and suck mah medula oblagata b4 i disect ur blu waffle!! FTW!!!!!! and yalls know what else?!? i had reeses fo BREAKFAST!!!

Some other guy: What?! Candy for breakfast?!


Government agent 1: Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to come with us.

Einstein: WHAT FOR?! HUH?! You ain't got NOTHIN on me!! HOLLA!

Government agent 1: I'm going to need some backup.

[Government agents pop up out of nowhere and take down Einstein giving him a sedative. Media cameras surrond him but only get a picture of him sticking out his tongue (the famous picture of him everyone knows oh so well. He then passes out and is dragged away.]

Government agent 2: Send in the dummy.

"Einstein": Thank you for the escort.

Government agent 2: No problem, sir.

JROTC[edit | edit source]

Being a full year member of JROTC, id have to say that im not just fighting back at the people in it who have been jerks. JROTC is a sad excuse full of military wanabees who dont have anything else to do. The higher your rank, the more of a dick you become, except for the people who understand its just another one of those classes iintended for an easy A. In fact, half the people i know in it dont even care about military, you parade around in circles and spin around guns. other than that its pretty much just PE and social class. almost everyone who wants to be someone joins it, and almost everyone is immediatly accepted, this results in retarded people who actually think theyre better than you and honest to god march inside the classroom. if you dont fully respect them theyll give you demerits, which prevent you from getting the badges(which you have to return after your "duty" is complete). demerits can easily be worked off with push-ups or any other simple activity. Simply put, its a pussy group of fags with no lives and want to be surperior for once.