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A god on earth!

Jesus on Kingwenis.

Shlurgon durgon flurgon murgon!

The swedish chef on kingwenis.

Me[edit | edit source]

Hey im king wenis im just someone who likes comedy just like you. I first found out about this site from sorcerer nobody and it got stuck.In real life im just an average human who is strange and watchers comedy classics: The goodies,the two ronnies,black adder all of them are seen by me.

Only a few photos have ever been taken of the king here's one of them


My life[edit | edit source]

Born in 1452 wenis was the son of a pirate by the name of colin 1410455564_b9dd45ee66.jpg colin pictured here was the first mate of the great great grandson of moseys uncles twice removed cousins barber. growing up in a growing community of pirates and barbers located in wales he soon became a devoted follower of the flying spaghetti monster and at the age of 16 invented the potato peeler Back%2BTo%2BBasics%2BApple%2Band%2BPotato%2BPeeler.jpg But from the potato radiation given off from the peeler it opened a portal into 2010 and he was thrown into the future which had bleak tidings for a pirate no_pirates-783614.jpg

Thanks to[edit | edit source]

Garrys mod for the picture. and google images

Note[edit | edit source]

Please note that wenis isn't a dirty humor joke he was once a egyptian king View this link