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Not to be confused with the veteran Kojak and Knots Landing actor, Kevin Dobson hails from the fine city of Norwich (obviously the exact location cannot be disclosed for fear of stalkers, autograph hunters etc congregating at said abode). Psuedonyms include D, Big D, Dood, Dong, Long Dong, Dodo, Done and the Google Eyed Kid (the latter being from his ill-fated wrestling days).

A youthful 27 years of age, he has been dubbed 'Long Ball D' after his supposed direct style of play on Pro Evolution Soccer. When quizzed on said 'route one' style, the bespectacled one hit back with "well it worked for Wimbledon in '88 didn't it?" He has also finely tuned the 'Hook' tecnique which entails, whenever a ball approaches one of his players, to hold down the circle button and boot the ball forthwith as hard as possible.

Perhaps the thing that D is most famed for when playing said football game is utilising the goaltender as an 11th outfield player. Seeing the 'tender make a sortie to the halfway line is a regular occurance and always takes all free kicks, penalties and corners (left and right). D often muses what the Konami makers would make of aforementioned style: "those Japanese would be flummoxed at my cavalier approach and could potentially make me the best player in the world". When he finally gets round to playing the game online, he is determined to make this dream come true.