User:John Lydon/RPG/32

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Like a true hero, you press on despite the fact that you can hardly hold yours eyes open. After making it a few hundred yards up the mountain path, the path suddenly dissapears. You are forced to climb. Summoning every last ounce of strength left in your body, you begin to struggle up the rocky face of the mountain.

Pushing your body to it's limit, you manage to make it to a small ledge. "I can't go on." you think to yourself. You lay out on the cliff face and immediately nod off. You begin to dream about sailing on the ocean. You relax even further as the image of the calm waters and the sun warming your face play in your mind. Suddenly, the sky grows dark and the sea grows angry. Your small boat is bombarded with massive waves that throw it through the air. You are thrown from one side of the boat to the other over and over. You are repeatedly jostled to and fro to the point of nausea. You awake with an overwhelming sensation of motion sickness. As you try to collect your thoughts, you realize that the feeling of being tossed around on the boat has only grown stronger. Becoming fully alert now, you realize the cause of the motion. You are being accosted by what can only be described as a Yetti! You let out a scream of sheer panic. The scream startles the Yetti who throws you off the small ledge. You hurdle towards the Earth, like a bowling ball thrown from a plane. You hit the ground with such force that the resulting thud awakens a pack of wolves who were resting in a nearby den. The wolves, upon discovering your lifeless corpse, devour every last morsel of your shattered, lifeless body.

Ittybitty bullet.PNGYou have been raped by a Yetti, thrown off a cliff, and eaten by wolves. Start Over?