User:John Lydon/Outline

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Hamsters[edit | edit source]

Main Point: Hamsters are evil litlle furry things that have a secret plan to take over the world.

Opener[edit | edit source]

Explain your basic garden variety hamster. hint about them having a darkside

Build Up[edit | edit source]

Throw some B.S. stats out about how many hamsters are in captivity. Explain a little about a hamsters daily routine. Give a vague example of a rogue hamster

Build Up 2[edit | edit source]

Give more detailed examples of hamster evil doings. Start to draw connections between hamsters and the 3rd reich

Build Up 3[edit | edit source]

Draw more solid similarities between Nazies and Hamsters. Avoid using any reference to a "Hitler Hamster" . (Yes it's funny, but it's too cheesy).

Closer[edit | edit source]

Lay out hamster's ultimate plans of world domination and why. Possible targets are pet store owners, cats, guenia pigs, and people in general.