User:John K
You know I'm better then you.[edit | edit source]
John K is better then anyone else.
Early life[edit | edit source]
John was born in the middle of Alaska, and somehow he ended up in this horrible place.
Current life[edit | edit source]
John currently attends Waconia High School where all the teachers have there heads up their as*es at all times. In his spare time John enjoys sitting in his basement and thinking about what horrible thing he did to deserve a life like this.
Fears[edit | edit source]
doorknobs, door frames, anything with the letter q in it's name, global warming, global cooling, snow, spiders, dust, butterflies, looking at himself in the mirror, ufos, ghosts, witches, the devil, Mel Gibson, Brittany Spears, Kassmeyer, Losing his Xbox 360 again, Loud noises, Marsha, Greg, Bobby, Cindy, Jan, Peter, Alice, Tiger (the dog), the year 1972, sudden noises, losing, winning, tieing, the phrase "chillaxin".
Phrases[edit | edit source]
John has come up with many clever phrases such as: "It's always the fat kid" "Why me"
The 9/11 Conspiracy theory.[edit | edit source]
It was reported that in 2002 that John was seen questioning the true responsibility of the September 11th attacks by accusing Jaws himself. This theory is called "Jaws did WTC"
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