User:JelloMold/HowTo:Be The Prettiest Girl In School

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Ever wondered how you can be like that girl? You know, the one that makes all the heads turn? Well now you can! Simply follow these simple steps.

- Eat Healthy

Don't just eat.. INHALE your food, inhaling food is proven to restrict the amount of calories in your system. Also it is far more painful even if the food is finely chopped, thus resulting in you stopping earlier. If you find this hard, plan a reward system, buy a small bag of smarties and a large chest with a lock, in this chest place another chest, in this chest another.. and so on until you have twelve chests, in the twelfth chest place a smartie. Every month if you do not 'fail to inhale' you can treat yourself by opening a chest, thus getting closer to the one smartie. After a year you will reach the one smartie and can reward yourself (warning although you can eat the smartie in a regular fashion your chewing muscles may have atrophied to such an extent that this is now impossible, if this is the case please throw it away). It's been a year so for the following year you might want to get a new bag of smarties and replace the chests as they are probably now out of date.

- Get Sleep

- Get Confidence

- Go to a plastic surgeon

- Kill all rivals

- Visit the school at night so you are technically the prettiest girl in school at that moment, if there is an exceptionally pretty cleaner pottering about, you may have to kill again

- Join a school in a leper colony