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Jarrod Thomas Decker Translated into the chineese language (and yes, i misspelled chinese) as ting hing ching, and then again in the english language as some random guy who decided to make an uncyclopedia account

Early Years[edit | edit source]

Childhood[edit | edit source]

To some (mainly the dutch) he was known as a child protege' from his 10-month mark in the womb. After escaping that moist death trap known as Baby land, he quickly joined the renegade force of evangelical consumers, due to protest from his bloodline. After prison (Elementary school, as some religious leaders refer to it as) he was able to pursue his love of political activisim in the highley democratic town of Hong-Kong Kentucky, Famously named after President King Kong.

Middle School[edit | edit source]

Or hell, as others know it, was very short lived, as will be this paragraph.

See, i dont lie...or do I?

Current Years[edit | edit source]

As last noted by Pope Skywalker, Deker was last seen in the Brazilian Highlands studying the ways of Gregorian Monks.

Please, fell free to edit this article if you have obtained information on his where about (wich is highly unlikley due to the fact that he is locked in my basement)

This article will be updated as time progresses