User:Illiterate author 37

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Illiterate author 37.png

“What a thoroughly good chap! It's so refreshing to find such a fine example of 'Uncyclopedian' - an intellectual comedian of the highest order”

~ Oscar Wilde on another random user, much to the resentment of illiterate author 37 grrrrr...

About Illiterate_Author_37[edit | edit source]

That's me, the infamous Illiterate author 37

I love oxymorons. No... I adore them... Wait... I AM AN OXYMORON

incompatibility personified...

Statistics[edit | edit source]

  • Birthplace: Essex, UK
  • D.O.B.: 09/05/1988
  • Occupation: You're having a laugh!...
  • Favourite Day: Monday
  • Favourite Number: 39,414
United Kingdom
This user is a total UKer
and will commit murder for a proper cup of tea.
(British Uncyclopedians)

What he's currently busying himself with[edit | edit source]

nothing much

Favourite Oxymorons[edit | edit source]

Most hated beings/things/entities[edit | edit source]

In no particular order: