The Ancient Flornas[edit | edit source]
21,023 years ago, a small island by the name of retardo was discovered by the very early Christophera Colombussi. It was found on the island large hords of gold, now known as 'Old Gold'. When Colombussi had found the hords and hords of Gold, many thoasands of Flornas attacked him. With a very quick mind, he thought fast and took out a 1874 Remington Rocket Launcher. Utilising the power of the rocket launcher, Colombussi aimed it at the ground and shot. He flew into the air, more than 894,243,234,255,778,567,123,455,456 kilometres off the ground. Safely, he landed onto a small shrub. After that, nobody knows what had happened to him, but in 1877 the very very late Christophera Colombussi went to that island, to find hords and hords of brown blocks. It is said that over the many years the gold had turned into those brown blocks. Crouching down, Colombussi tasted the substance. It had an amazing taste. He then brought the rest over back to England, in his home in New York, and sold it all to a man named Fillipi Cabduri. He then created the now well known substance, 'Old Gold Chocolate'.
Moral[edit | edit source]
Do not underestimate the people of 21,023 years ago, and this is the true story of Old Gold.