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-The box is founder. 这个盒子是方的

-He is in 5 ninja urban. 他在5年级2班

-cash your computer! 卡死你的电脑!

-I mail,do you have? 我没有,你有吗?

-I maybe,do you have? 我没笔,你有吗?

-It's time for eat fun! 现在是吃时间!

-Woman read books. 我们读书。

-He saw thing. 他东西。

-Curly is so guess! 颗粒该死

-Big's pizzas are so lunch! 比格的比萨真难吃

-Put it in lucky box! 把它放进垃圾桶!

-Are you a tree land? 你是树吗?

-I'm a happy ground people. 我是一个乐的人。

-We are not at up hide. 我们不在上

-Now is so saw. 尿

-I pigeon. 我批准

-He is at the loading. 他在楼顶

-I link to eat the shopping and building. 我喜欢吃烧饼布丁

-Let's draw mouse. 让我们去老鼠吧。

-He is party on. 他趴地上了。


-How are you? 怎么是你?

-How old are you? 怎么老是你?

-Look out the car. 看外面的车。

-Black and blue. 又黑又蓝的。(即深蓝)

-Outchesses. 哎呦(复数)。