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~ GR33NMAG1K on Creation of humanity

ME[edit | edit source]

Hi, My name is GR33NMAG1K, about 6 billion years old and live on an asteroid in the orbit of saturn.

Lets get this straight, Im a god, OK, im not a very good god (I'm the god of cheese [even though i do not like it], hangovers [even though i dont drink, living on an asteroid] and tripping over small twigs [dont ask]) this is because i was in the coridor being told off by the big God-teacher lady for inadvertantly creating humanity and was the last to get the God powers.

NOT ME[edit | edit source]

assassin, ninja, pirate or any combination thereof, gynacologist, traffic warden, neo Nazi, the one, a small fluffy dog by the name of Mr. Woofles

Acomplishments[edit | edit source]


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