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History of the Fuzzball, Or, what the heck happened in '85?![edit | edit source]

The Fuzzball snatched from it's natural habitat.

Idioticous Mornicous Dorkious (AKA The Fuzzball) Is not a human being nor smart as one, but it is darn fun! The Fuzzball is from a swampy backwards town in the middle of Somewhere (not here I'll tell ya that!) It is not really seen by many unless they look in the wierdest of places (the bottom of a Cinnamon bottle) However when found total laugher will occur, so caution is advised! The Fuzzball drinks a drink that only Fuzzballs can drink because if Humans drink it they'd keel over and die faster then a keg of gunpowder. This drink is only known as, "Cinna.... something it'll come to us"

Preffered Climate[edit | edit source]

Apparently the Fuzzball's preffered climate is anything that includes, but is not limited to, a bed, a matress, a blanket, any open spot within a car or van, or in the Space Shuttle, How the Fuzzball can GET a Space Suttle is anyones guess.

Current Location[edit | edit source]

GPS Unit is offline at this time, please check back later, if using Google Smearth please search "Swamplands of North Amerihaha"

Data File of the Fuzzball[edit | edit source]

Currently there is only one documented Fuzzball known in mankind (be very afraid!) it was first sighted in the Year of our Lord AD 1985, at some random time on the day of 6th july, (it was a Tuesday (no really it was a Tuesday)) Everything else at time of this document has been lost in a bank holdup.

New Data has been found that the blood sample of the Fuzzball is in fact the blood sample of a dead man named Tiny Tony, who he is we have no idea, we merely do the history of the Fuzzball. Who as it may or may not surprise anyone, has family! (Be extremely afraid!!)

Thankfully none of the Fuzzball's family has yet to be sighted, if they are, too bad....

General info on the race known as Fuzzball[edit | edit source]

The info regarding the Race known to Man as Fuzzball:

Approximate size: large mailbox to small trashcan.

Approximate age: newborn to unknown.

Approximate color pattern: unknown, varies betwene each, some are one sinlge color, some are two different colors, others are muilt colored, but many are seen in either one or two colors.

personality: crazy, zany, nutty, kind, gentle as a lamb.