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Ahh, Dubstep. Originated from the UK.
Worlds most popular raving music.
Now all we need is some E and Orange Juice.
We will dance for hours. I promise.

History[edit | edit source]

Contrary to popular belief, dubstep didn't originate in England, it actually occurs freely in nature. The first dubstep-style sub-bass was recorded accidentally by two scientists who tried to record the echoes from the Big Bang reverberating in space. Also, the Big Bang itself is considered to be the first dubstep bass drop, even though it was not proven. There are also some prehistoric depictions in a cave in Lascaux, France that show some supra-natural beings DJ-ing and being worshiped by cavemen.

In about 3000 B.C., the Egyptian civilization under Khufu (aka. DJ K.) decided to build massive pyramidal structures in order to amplify the sound. The same type of structures were also found in ancient Babylon and south American cultures. what do all these cultures have in common? Drugs. Intelligent people and a long history.

Another country that has good ketamine long people and intelligent history is England, the revival place of dubstep.

The sound[edit | edit source]

The sound of dubstep cannot be described in words and cannot be quantized using decibels as we do with any genre,new units of measurement are needed: CNRKSs (Chock Norris Roundhouse Kicks, Snares, Claps and Cowboy Hats) for the drums, LPPSs (Low-pitched pig squeels) or SOCTs (Stepped-on cats' tails - hence the term "dubstep") for the synths and finally CUESs (cheesy unknown electro songs) for the melody. There are also many subgenres for dubstep, each having its own rehab center fanbase and particularities.

Dubstep subgenres: darkstep, brostep, lightstep, sisstep, momstep, pornstep, filthstep, junkstep, duststep, plasticbagstep, mudstep, barfstep, noisestep, emostep, dancestep, rockstep, folkstep, indiestep, basically any word you cand find in a dictionary, than add "step".

For the untrained ear, a dubstep track might sound a bit repetitive, maybe a little empty, even kind of boring or repetitive, tive, tive, tive, ti, ti, ti, ti............(insert pause here)........UNLESS proper medicated prepared to deal with awesomeness.

Facts about dubstep[edit | edit source]

Every time someone listens to a dubstep song, one of the following things happen

  1. their cat turns into a dog at the drop
  2. they experience sexual arousal at the drop
  3. the neighbours ask the person to turn up the music
  4. Chuck Norris rings and asks for his iPod back
  5. improbabile and ilogical things happen to the world outside due to the bass
  6. they get the munchies
  7. they press 720p on youtube and rip a hole in another dimension
  8. they post all of the above (and dislike-bar / Justin Bieber) as stupid comments on youtube