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Hello there, I am Courtbird. If anyone knows how to work this crazy thing, then HELP ME!!!! anyways i am 57 years old and specialize in the study of Wumbo-ology, which is not to be confused with wumbology, thanks to Patrick Star, a Wumbo-ology hater, but a wumbology lover, my profession isn't very well known. While im lying, I am also a world famous super model, and yesterday I punched Chuck Norris in the face.

arent you tired of hearing about Chuck Norris??

I am.....

anyways in this random incoherent jumble, i should try and make a point, and that point is, that I am NOT FUNNY! yupp, read it and weep, meaning I am useless to this world and should kill myself with an army of rabid justin beiber fans. I have been told I'm not funny by my mother, my boyfriend, and that random hobo on the street who JUST WONT SHUT THE FUDGEBARS UP!!!! *ah hem* well, anyways I do not cuss, oh no, not me... because jesus loves me, and the voices told me not to. hmm...... how shall I do this... seriously, as i said, I have no idea how to do this, so if there are any non-pedophiles wishing to help me, I welcome you.

Also, I must add a serious addition to this page, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO MAKE AN ARTICLE i have a really good idea for wumbo-ology involves squidward tentacles using his money from a high class law suit on those stripper weight loss tapes, but if anyone would please help me i will be forever in your debt, MANY THANKS BROTHERS~!!