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Act 1: The Family Resaurant[edit | edit source]

Fade in on a stylish family restaurant, ya know, like Friendly's or something like that. It's sometime like noonish, and there a bunch of people and stuff. Jack Kickass Awesome is sitting with his model-like wife and his young boy Nathan, who is dressed in the same shirt and jeans as Jack Awesome, but less rugged and stuff. As the Awesome family is eating their dinner (an All-American cheeseburger and non-Frnech fries), little Nathan begins to climb up on his seat...

Jack: Nathan, get down here and eat your goddamn food.
Mrs. Awesome: (mumbling incoherently)
Jack: Oh well, boys will be boys, ya know? (laughs wholeheartedly)

Meanwhile, another man is eating alone at a tangent table, with his back to the awesome family. His dark and mysterious face becomes disgruntled as the annoyance of the kid's squealing continues and distracts him from his bowl of nasty, villainyish-looking soup.

Other Man: (finally too annoyed to eat, he turns around to face little Nathan and Jack) Excuse me sir, could you please try to control your child a bit?
Jack: (scoffing angrily) Why don't you keep your goddamn mind on your food, mysterious yet not-quite-evil-looking man. What is your name?
Other Man: Uhh... it's... Charlie?
Jack: Just each your goddamn food Charile, I don't want no goddamn introduction tea party queerfest here.

Annoyed, Charlie turns back around without a word, and begins staring dramatically at his soup, while the squeals of the child and the harsh words of Jack echo insanely in his head. All of a sudden, little Nathan walks over and, without warning, grabs his bowl of soup, and throws it on the ground.

Charlie: (now pissed, and getting up to move towards Jack's table) Sir! Will you please control your child? I am trying to eat my dinner!
Jack: (rising) What in the goddamn hell did you say to me?
Mrs. Awesome: (mumbling incoherently)

The two men stare at each other harshly, as the restaurant becomes silent and the screen flips back and forth between the two faces.


Charlie slaps the child. Jack Awesome begins screaming and waving his arms frantically in slow motion, with tears of anger coming out of his eyes. Luckily, two other men just happen to be standing directly behind Jack, and they hold him back. A woman in the background screeches crazily, while Mrs Awesome sits and mumbles something under her breath.