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WARNING: Keep away from this user as they love the Fibonacci Sequence and anything to do with it.
This user believes Barney is evil, and therefore must die.
This user doesn't know how to speak their mind and hates people who speak their minds because they're all annoying know-it-alls.
Firefox Logo.png
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
Firefox Logo.png
This user seriously needs to calm down.



Yay for photoshop! I had the coolest dream last night where I was in a tropical rainforest on this boat and an umbrella because it was raining, but it was warm. I love rain and it annoys me that people stereotype it as depressing or scary. It was also misty and stuff.

Time to photoshop my dream!

I'll get it in soon, I'll start today and end tomorrow. So long for now

BTW: Another program:

Alice 2.0

a neat program that allows you to make games and stuffs. :) I'm so glad i found out about this because if you search games and make you get game maker or some weird German flash game.

BTW 2: I loved the invisible and I'm annoyed with this:

Rotten Tomatoes: The Invisible

What's so bad about it? Well, the plot is so wonderfully complex that the not so into it movie goers have no idea what's happening. Also, the movie wasn't really a supernatural thriller, more of a supernatural crime mystery drama that has deep plot twists and summons up feelings for those who understand.

A humming bird! you'd think they run away even in the presence of people, but no, we got this from a "safe" distance of 1 meter.

I need to wear this grubby orange t-shirt for spirit day. Wait, I don't thinks it's mandatory.... hmmmmm..... He he he! *Rips of shirt* Anyways, I found this cool program that converts PNG to icon files, our prayers are answered! You can Find it at:

Vista Ico

If your not willing to download the program, you can convert the files straight from the site. Talk about convenient!

Oh, and one more thing. AOI is so cool!


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