User:Bilky asko

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This user has yet another userbox. Lucky bastard.
This user hates ITV only on days that end with y.
Toward my brand new Toilet Pie collection!
I am only <insert stupid comment here> on days that end in y. Unfortunately, today is one of them
WXGA - The radio station presented by a computer monitor!
I joined the Folding@home team, because I have nothing better to do with my computer.
I have contributed ≥0 pints points to the Uncyclopedia Folding@home team.


Welcome to AOL. You've got mail.[edit | edit source]

Bilky Asko Talk Here 18:20, 28 April 2006 (UTC)

Did you know that I am writing this to fill in some space so that the template below can spread across the page, and if I write enough nonsense someone will think there is some sort of hidden message?
Also, chesse and rennet includes chicken to increase the lactose content in turkey twizzlers, which incidentally, are extremely tasty whilst eaten outdoors, but horrid, and poisonous indoors.

Oh, balls to writing!

My Templates, or, actually, template... :([edit | edit source]

Toilet Pie.png
WARNING! May contain Weapons of Mass Annoyance!
Some people believe that this article contains description of a highly dangerous object. Frankly, they're idiots.

Pickle[edit | edit source]

If this was Picklepedia they would love my usorpaij. Unfortunately, this is Unicyclepissday, so you don't get that on here. --Bilky Asko Talk Here 16:05, 5 July 2007 (UTC)--Bilky Asko Talk Here 16:05, 5 July 2007 (UTC)--Bilky Asko Talk Here 16:05, 5 July 2007 (UTC)--Bilky Asko Talk Here 16:05, 5 July 2007 (UTC)--Bilky Asko Talk Here 16:05, 5 July 2007 (UTC)--Bilky Asko Talk Here 16:05, 5 July 2007 (UTC)--Bilky Asko Talk Here 16:05, 5 July 2007 (UTC)

Stuff[edit | edit source]

United Kingdom
This user is a total UKer
and wants to steal your country albums for sport.
(British Uncyclopedians)