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His normal life before Rogue[edit | edit source]


BANORRACHY, also known as Bano, Bany, or even Bunny is a first class human being, if you can even begin to describe him as such. His super human attributes set him apart from anyone else. Bano is well known for his gaming prowess, especially when it comes to quick reactions (which many attribute to his half Asian heritage). Aside from gaming, Bany is a very social individual, making friends at every step of his life. Though he is young, Bany has acquired something of a following. He may not like to admit it, but there do in fact exist people that worship him. Perhaps this is because of how skilled he is when it comes to video games, maybe it's how friendly he is, or perhaps it is his boyish good looks. Bunny is a very handsome and extraordinarily cute young man. It is far from uncommon to find women swarming around him, often swooning at his very presence. His gentleman like behavior, intelligent speech, and unique voice are overwhelming for girls. All around, BANORRACHY is something of an idol in his day. Through such publicly known "clans" such as The League, Bano will forever be remembered and loved.

Life after hanging with Rogue[edit | edit source]

The League BANORRACHY logo

When Bano met Rogue, they fell instantly into a massive gaming fest. Rogue was saying nigs in my fro. Bano yelled WALLS and Rogue yelled NIGS IN MY FRO

This is a diagram of what actualy will happen when Rogue uses walls

This is a diagram
This is a diagram of why Me and Bano can't be together with Rogue around

I R MOFO Here Me Rawr[edit | edit source]

I LOVE YOU BANO! YOU IS MY NIGGA =] "Bano will forever be remembered and loved." Tru dat! My sprinkler goes nigger nigger chink chink nigger chink chink nigger

Comercial 006.jpg

Life after meeting Special eD[edit | edit source]

When Bano met Special eD, hes like omg you are such a retard (special really trying his best in real life just flat out sucked). but Special changed Bano's life when special did one thing right. Now special can almost be trusted. Until he messes up again (which is most likely soon so special better try his best). special has a hard time keeping up with bano but the jews in his fro hold him back

Life after meeting Adept[edit | edit source]

When Bano met Adept, his life changed. His life was not full of Rogue anymore! Rogue was like, OMFG I will kill Adept for stealing my only friend. Bano became a meat shield later that day by stoping 2 headshots by Rogue's AWP and his atepmt to One-dege(deagle) us.

Rogue then went back to his new house in Richmond.

Adept adds super cool link: [1] Llama song

Corny[edit | edit source]

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