Panda Redwards
Panda Redwards was born in 1995, under the name Pandrew Gerald Redwards, one of the most unique names in history. His achievements are as follows
List of Panda REdwards' Achievements
Being Born, Lasting this long, Opening up a can of whoop ass on various people, Being skilled in insults, Being a rising star in rock and roll, Achieving a 5 minute insult,
The Panda REdwards Phrase[edit | edit source]
Of course, Pandrew was known as being an egotistic jerk, but one of his most dynamic phrases is as follows
"I'm going to move place because I can, and you wanna know why that is? Because I'm Pandrew REdwards"
This was then echoed throughout peoples ears, as an infection, which spread across those who knew Panda. Of course, plenty of other great ventures are to follow
Also some rather random phrases/sayings that can become very annoying .....Like ....'muurrgggh' and 'Hello !!!!' Yeaah it getss annoying ..............:P.......x
The Failure Speech [edit | edit source]
A person once claimed while Panda was in lessons had led Panda to great frustration, the speech is summarised below
"Look, I didn't want to say this in front of the class as to humiliate you, but seeing as you are being such a nuiscance, I'm going to tell you that you are the biggest waste of space I have ever seen! I have to waste my time handling and teaching you, while you're clearly going to fail in life, probably failing SATs, and living with the fact that you have nothing left in life!"
5 minutes later, Pandrew achieved an A* in the homework under the same subject.
Go Panda, wooo! I love you dude :D
The 5 Minute Insult[edit | edit source]
In Pandrews youth, his sunglasses were ruined by Anonymous, while the offender had caused great annoyance to everyone in the same vehicle, which resulted in Panda's most proud achievement, the 5 minute insult is summarised below....
"You went and got make up on my sunglasses, and you're pissing everyone on this fucking coach off, So why don't you just die before I kick your ass and go to hell where satan and hitler will rape you so hard, everytime you spit, you'll spit their cum, and then you better hope to god you come back to life so I can kick your ass you annoying whore, and then you'll just commit suicide because of how I'm going to rip your porky soul apart, and then allow satan and hitler to rape you again, because it's nothing compared to what I'll do if you just shut the fuck up and calm the fuck down! Or else I will do what you're gonna dread, because I'm Panda Redwards"
5 Minutes after, the offender passed Panda the make up remover, and stayed silent for the rest of the coach journey.
Panda's Musical Genius Forms[edit | edit source]
After taking up guitar in his youth, after a long line of love and strong inspiration from The Groundhogs, Lou Reed and various other bands, he also took up piano, and began to play and create songs out of nowhere. He is today, still creating music, but, as he quotes #
"If me and my friends are going to set up a good band, we'll just need a good singer, and a bassist, or by god, I'm going to be one man fucking band."
Nothing happened after 5 minutes. He just finished his tuna sandwich and walked off.
Main Inspiration He quotes from an interview
"I suppose I have to thank my dad for playing Ziggy Stardust, Groundhogs, Lou Reed in the car on trips, and my brother and friends for introducing me to other forms of music"
Instruments- "Encore Stratacastar" "Cruiser-Crafter les paul Special" "Laney Hardcore Max 92.5 amps"
Religious Views[edit | edit source]
Pandrew Redwards quotes on his religious side
"I was raised in The Church of Latter-day saints, so when I say things about god and jesus and crap, people haven't got a clue. Anyways, I left church at the age of 13, and came up with the skill of Philosophy. I figured that Jesus was a Storyteller, a teacher, and a preacher, and that he achieved such wisdom that some gave him the title, 'Son of god'. I don't really believe there is a god, but I suppose he is more of a symbol of hope and meaning for people who want to know if there really is a meaning and a purpose for life. The answer is, there is a purpose and a meaning. It's to survive. what have we been doing for millions of years? Surviving, and we're never going to stop that. We have to win the Human Race, come first. this is where the every man for himself factor comes in."
Summary[edit | edit source]
In summary, Pandrew Edwards is possibly one of the most capable people of his generation, with views of no other typical person of his age, skills that not many people can grasp, and gives and receives the most respect, even though he is a loving and friendly guy, he chooses to know who is really worthy, who is right. He knows, and that's why people follow his idea's, and believe in him