The mainspaced article is here. This has become a page to store interesting threads and topics from ATS, from other sites, and to post some vids I enjoy contemplating and to use in future articles here. Explore some weird, fun, scary, and/or interesting things down below. No, not that, down below on this page.
Above Top Secret, Login Where the wild things are:[edit | edit source]
- We all live inside a yellow submarine, ah, I mean a computer.
- The size of the universe? Pretty big!
- Life on Mars? Dibs on the cute skinny chicks.
- More life on Mars proven, still, dibs of the SC.]
- One of the world's best kept secrets, or, "Here come the Tavistock boys!"
- Young Abe Lincoln carved into Mount Rushmore, just under Lincoln's eyebrow!
- You likey global banking? Here's someone's idea of a history.
- Senators who led the 911 commission say "Not so fast!"
- A musical mystery, Pan is bored?
- Or maybe quantum mechanics rings your nut.
- What are those quantum gravity braided spacetime creations? You and me!
- It's about time.
- Mandelbrot 3-D fractals - pretty and trippy, but worth the hangover?
- What's a good conspiracy site without Marilyn Monroe.
- Or better yet, two of Marilyn Monroe.
- Damn! Did you hear somebody shot JFK?
- WTF? Then someone shot RFK too? Damn you OJ!
- All quirky fun lists like this need a UFO link, this one to Brentwood.
- Or lots and lots of UFO links, to their best "look up in the sky!" pages.
- Ancient civilizations constructed and leased.
- Maybe you like more ancient civilizations? Got a million of them.
- One more ancient civ, long series with links to previous pages (bottom of first post). Dig 'em up.
- Are you on the Graphene bandwagon yet? A new world awaits...!
- Holographic universe? I'm reaching my hand into you right now!!!
- Some more holographic spacetime stuff, but just purty too.
- I am the emperor of Japan! No, it is I, the emperor of Japan!! Wait, no, me, me, the emperor...
- Problems with Monsanto GMO-corn? Who'd have thunk it?
- Plants we all know.
- Floatin' like a butterfly, stingin' like a bee - in sloooowww motion.
- Massive structures at the center of our galaxy? I'm moving.
- When Stratfor's facist e-mails surfaced, only these kooks publicized them. What a bunch of kooks.
- Conspiracy nut talks about Roma, and the geeks and peeps gather around like hawks for 400 pages.
additional threads[edit | edit source]
- more computer simulation code in dna
- more computer simulation code in something
- Ultra Deep Field, Earth based
- same topic, zoom in and explore 200,000 galaxies in one pic
- Gale Crater, Mars Rover Curiosity's destination
- evil of high fructose corn syrup
- LeeHarveyOswald thread
- JFK assassination vids, tapes, and whatnot
- The monster Japanese nuclear emergency after the earthquake thread, 1245 pages and counting.
- Fukushima falling apart, extinction event
- Quantum choices affect earlier times
- Catholic timeline, some mithra stuff
- can light slow down?
- howto:hide stuff
- A new organism has spot in the tree of life
- parallel universes and an interesting woman scientist
- Vitamin C for crunchy
- Billions of earthlike worlds per galaxy
- Origin of KJBible, history of bible, etccc
- Stele real?
- Pi in my I
- FredHampton
- House assassination committee
- A Jack the Ripper candidate
- American Indian history
- Vanishing societies
- Cavemen were renments of a full civilization that destroyed itself? I dunno.
- Nebraska child abuse case. HowTo:Date the young.
- Mushrooms
- curin' da canc'r with baking soda
- curin' da canc'r main thread
- doublin' da lifespan
- ATS disinfo discredited
- ATS Board and Business thread, 300+pages
- posting external links
Other stuff from other sites[edit | edit source]
- Graphic of the size of all the water on earth
- Standard model of particles & other CERN links
- Website creation
- Graphene lens cap shows wet chemistry, other links
- NOAA website, data on sun observations. We have a fuckin' star like, right there!
- Oculus Rift, a virtual reality headset coming soon
- Antikythera mechanism
- Jeremy Norman's from cave paintings to the internet
- Puppy's discovery, something about boobs
- DMT and other brain chemicals on r.a.t.s.
- Dennis McKenna on neural evolution, from
- Left in the Dark site, related to Dennis McKenna thing
- Philip K. Dick talk
- Masonic symbolism, for article
- Zoom in map of disease outbreaks in real time]DMT Nexus
From a post on the ATS site:
please do this test:
write a text and make sure the first and the last letter of each word are at the right place in the word but all the other letters in the word are placed at random !! Believe it or not but you and other people will be able to read that text without a problem !! Example:
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg
THE PAOMNNEHAL PWEOR OF THE HMUAN MNID Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?