Uncyclopedia:Departure of Fun/unBingo

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Bad spelling I can't believe it's not... Jesus approved Bat Fuck Insane [Some war] (video game)
Pirates mentioned Jesii I can't believe it's not... AAAAAAAAA! mentioned NRV
I can't believe it's not... VFD WILDE CARD Pirates mentioned Jesii
Steve Ballmer mentioned Mr. T mentioned Clinjas mentioned Vin Diesel mentioned Canned quote
Jesus approved Clinjas mentioned iAnything Kitten Huffing mentioned You've edited it
  1. Generate your card, then print it out. (Note: The card template is being messed with a lot due to ugliness, and assistance from wikiML experts would be appreciated)
  2. Click on Random page.
  3. Mark off all Bingo squares that are on your board that apply to the page.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
  5. First person to complete a 5 square line wins!
  6. If you just realised you're not actually playing anyone, nobody cares.