Uncyclopedia:Departure of Fun/Kleptomania
Directions[edit source]
1: Choose a random article
2: Randomly choose 3 words from the article.
3: Cut out those 3 words only
4: Paste them into the Kleptomaniac's stash box below.
5: Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 until Admins notice.
6: If they give you chance, try blag your way out of a ban by claiming it is all due to a psychological problem you have, and that you can change and you will replace everything you have stolen right away.
7: There is no step 7. You stole it.
Kleptomaniac's Stash Box[edit source]
1 point for each 3 words you add. 10 bonus points from each 3 words you steal from an article admin have contibuted to..... 100 bonus point if you manage to put everything back before admin decide to ban you anyway.
Dreamy Sophia sexy snowman Norwegian Olympian Pal that everyone KNOWS huge technical wrestling from processed meats and speak Latin appear to be Government Task Force fagcore dickcore kvltcore to move on hitchhiker sights are invoing it's cancellation is on fire Church of Awesome white power
his adventures against recent stay in fantasy basketball team raspberries strawberries silverberries Stuffed Lap Cats brewing CLOTHING!!! all the Cold War considered in a contact his mishap donor will begin until Admin notice the stolen Jesus ceases to recognize Rosie O'Donnell Ate grindcore band thieves toxic gas oxygen campus radio station back of a bull cousin up it convince me otherwise mayor of December into the Kleptomaniac's release the finest Blah! those 3 words that comes but. Go Fox News! DO up Jews random living people many whiny liberal random Kleptomania Article that and no considered serious only Lakewobegonium Prairiehomecompanium Writersalmanacium those figments — wraiths Don't be such

Rights legislation put clearance sale part restorationist teachings were poorly parsed SQL Ægyptüs died along strips of acid by unchecked nasal make quantum leaps would be $657,312.12. A drummer boy Choose a article
syllable a do political or desired championed by war popular totalitarianist art user basically vanity Eka's Portal cast
See words were spoken before letters but how is it possible unless the alphabet is god? If the alphabet was speaking before it created Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz it would make perfect sense. Everything that exists has a name, a name is made of letters, god is everything. Which means that Pi x 58547 divided by the infinity of the square root of 6 = GOD!!!! SETI project for
The driver of this automobile is not a kleptomaniac. On the contrary: His house is often raided by kleptomaniacs, and he's not sure what they'll start taking if he ever runs out of apples. the musical retirement has a infinite supply of