UnVoyage:South Australia

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South Australia probably doesn't exist. Everything you've been told about it is a lie. The koalas are robots. If you're thinking of going there, you're just being drugged on the flight and you're actually going to New Zealand. Seriously, I think the biscuits might have meth in them or something, they taste funny.

Understand[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Australia was "created" when there were too many prisoners and they killed them and made Australia up or something. Anything else about the history of Australia is a lie, I bet you.

Talk[edit | edit source]

Everyone speaks English, but they're all probably robots or AI generated, anyway.

Get in[edit | edit source]

Plane. Don't eat the food or get a boarding pass (they track you!)

Get around[edit | edit source]

Bus[edit | edit source]

Never been on one. Probably a lie by the government.

Car[edit | edit source]

Probably manufactured somewhere in China. Another lie.

See[edit | edit source]

  • They're all just holograms. Don't bother.

Do[edit | edit source]

Nothing. Just go home, you're not intellectual enough to see the bigger picture of what's going on in Australia. I do, though.

Buy[edit | edit source]

How to buy stuff. Whether they accept creditcards, or the US dollar. They accept CAPITALISTIC GREED!!! (payments probably go towards holograms and propaganda)

Eat[edit | edit source]

  • Vegemite is probably just oil
  • Fairy Bread contains murdered fairies (do not try if you're vegan)

Drink[edit | edit source]

unnecessary, you're probably drugged on the plane there

Sleep[edit | edit source]

Park benches, homeless shelters, no-tell motels, youth hostiles hostels. May be omitted, except at city/district level.

Stay safe[edit | edit source]

You can't do this anyway. The government spies on you/

Respect[edit | edit source]

Say some stuff. I dunno, try a website/blog full of aussie lingo/trash.

Go next[edit | edit source]

Back home.