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 Zork 1: The Great Underground Empire Score: 99999999999999999999999999000000000000000000000000 Moves: -0

> Look
You are at the Paradise Meadows Farm,, It is snowing and -2 Degrees outside. You are likley to be eaten by a wolf Grue
> Identify Game
You cast Game Identification for 0 MP. You are in.... Oh dear
> That doesn't sound good
Your'e right. This is a unity game, turned into a text adventure. This is The Long Dark: Text edition
> Oh Shit
> Look
You are at the Paradise Meadows Farm,, It is snowing and -2 Degrees outside. You are likley to be eaten by a wolf Grue. There is an unlocked door to the farm house in front of you.
> Enter farmhouse
You enter the house, only to be greeted by a loading screen