Sex | Score: :) | Moves: >:D |
You pull down your pants ready to have sex. 1 minute later, all that's left in the room is your pants on the floor and a smiling Grue. 1 more minute later, there's just a smiling Grue. yet 1 more minute later, there's nothing.
Tough luck, also....
Sometime later, you open your eyes and find you're back in the nondescript room! Your spirit is back in your body, which remarkably has no scratches or marks from your previous encounter! Phew, you've survived another one of those untimely deaths! You give thanks to the narrator, your god, for keeping you alive and praise him for letting you restart without dying! Oh, to make sure it's the nondescript room, you'll have to look to see if the Grue's here.
Oh, never mind, you got eaten by the Grue anyway.