UnGames:Escape from Ojai/Let the Squaw Deer tell you his backstory

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Nobody knows how the Squaw Deer built this high-tech underground marvel.


Squaw Deer was once just and average talking deer living in the average city of Ojai. Like any average deer, Squaw Deer liked to eat grass, run throghout the forest, and build hyper-futuristic marvels of technology. However, one day something happened; something that would change the lives from everyone in Ojai -including Squaw Deer's. Out of nowhere, a war broke out in the very city. The OPOSSUMS revolted against the authority, penguins and aracuans came to invade the territory, blood and death spread throughtout the streets... It was madness.

But the worst part of the war happened when the Moccasinians arrived. Lord Móckasiin and his father Møqasÿn Rein had decided to take advantage of the poor state of Ojai to come to the war, wipe out the competition and claim Ojai as their own. But they had underestimated the strength of the belligerents, specially the Aracauns' and the OPOSSUMs', who were too Bat Fuck Insane to be fought against. Which is why Lord Móckasiin decided to build an armor big and futuristic enough to fight against such menace.

That's when Móckasiin met Squaw Deer, the talking deer. He realized of the abilities that the deer had, and convinced the deer to build an armor that could defeat the rest of belligerents, with the promise that it would stop the war. This is how Mechasin was born. But Squaw Deer soon saw Móckasiin's lies when the Leader of Moccasinia started terrorizing the streets of Ojai and killing innocents civilians. The deer threatened to kill Móckasiin, but it was already too late: Móckasiin already had the Mechasin, and could easily use it to wipe out anyone- including the deer. Thus, Squaw Deer was forced underground to avoid being obliterated by Mechasin, and come up with a plan that could end this useless violence.

After finishing this huge lore dump, Squaw Deer adds something at the end:

Also, Knife Guy is waiting for you at the end of the trail. And watch out for living shacks; because you can’t kill them.”