UnGames:Escape from Ojai/Face the danger

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You still don't learn how these kind of games usually go, do you?

You're about to face whatever is making that noise, when a tiny ray of light shines the creature that was growling. And when you see its face, you stun in shock. It's not a wolf, nor a bear, nor anything like what you've seen before. It's huge, and furry, and swole; it has tiny dark eyes and giant jaws that could easily swallow you whole. You had always heard about these kind of creatures before, but you had always thought they were simply legendary creatures, like dragons or the queen of England. Yet here it was, menacingly looking at you. A grue.

It was then when you remembered an ancient proverb that could've been handy to remember before:

And guess what, jackass.

You were eaten by a grue.

Whoops, wrong game over scrren.

๐”œ๐”’๐”˜ ๐”‡โ„‘๐”ˆ๐”‡

You may:

Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif
Grue running.gif