The Great Monkeigh war of 2,000,000 B.C
Before the first Homo sapien the ancestors of humanity lived in many Tribes across the globe. the largest of these Tribes was known as Clan Bananous led by Chief Caesar, United Clans of Amucka led by a elected council known as the Chosen Chiefs, Free Bananian Republic led by Kongus Maximus each of these Clans was known for their abundance of bananas due to this many Monkeys willingly fell under their rule allowing the Clans to sustain a large area of land within their own founding continents such as Aisa, Europe, and Africa.
Within the continent of Asia Clan Bananous had resided and had lived in peace with their smaller neighboring Tribes however. Chief Caesar had grown more ambitious over the coming years leading to a number of various conquests upon neighboring Tribes leading to events such as.
- Great Gorillan slaughter
- The burning of Treevill
- Enslavement of New Monkis
These sudden actions had grown Clan Bananous extending its land by two times its original size. this caused a great migration to happen within Asia as Tribes try to escape the sudden imperialism. word of these conquests had gotten out reaching both the Free Bananian Republic and the United Clans of Amucka these acts were seen to be as "horrible" and "a terrible disgrace to Monkey kind" as both the Chosen Chiefs and Kongus Maximus would put it.
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