Template:YouTube thumb

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For putting embedded YouTube videos into MediaWiki image thumbnails.

{{YouTube thumb|<youtube></youtube>}}


They were later electrocuted to death

The following code {{YouTube thumb|<youtube>_HZM0QiuUS8</youtube>|They were later electrocuted to death}}, will produce the video you see on the right.

Due to MediaWiki parser issues beyond either our control or comprehension, we cannot directly make the YouTube id a parameter and you will need the <youtube></youtube> tags inside the parameter as shown. The YouTube video ID is the 11 character long part of the URL after /watch?v=.

All parameters

Here are the parameters. You can either include them by name, like

{{YouTube thumb|id=<youtube>qKYQNtF11eg</youtube>|caption=Music|float=left}}


{{YouTube thumb|qKYQNtF11eg|Music|left}}

  • id - you must manually include the tags, i.e. <youtube>qKYQNtF11eg</youtube>.
  • caption - the caption, kind of why you wanted to use this template in the first place?
  • float - defaults to right, set to left to float left, or none.


You can change the width of the thumbnail within the <youtube> tags like so:

{{YouTube thumb|<youtube width="300" height="169">_HZM0QiuUS8</youtube>}}.

This will produce a smaller video like you see on the right. For a 16:9 ratio, you can get the height by multiplying the width by 0.5625, or with being your width.