Here's your new favorite box of crayons
This template inserts color values from a pre-set pallete. Use the #initial value from the tables below. Capital letters inserts the Hex value but you need to add your own hashtag (#). Use lowercase initials for the rgba value, where the second parameter controls the opacity.
#{{X|BJ}} inserts the bluejean hex value.
{{X|bj|0.7}} inserts the bluejean rgba value with 70% opacity (opacity does not work for text).
The default is 80% white.
You can always just copy and paste the code, but there's no fun in that!
Color Values
This is the official Uncyclopedia color palette from over 20 years of web design. There are probably another 200 colors I haven't added because they are from personal and professional websites, but I might do that one day. (It seems rather unnecessary). If there is a color that you would like added or a color is not displaying properly, please message me. Enjoy!
see | # | hex | rgba | HTML |
YO | FDBA38 | 253,186,56 | yelloworange | |
CRN | FFE066 | 255,224,102 | corny | |
CHZ | FFE49C | 255,228,156 | cheese | |
NUD | F8E0AA | 248,224,170 | nude | |
SKN | F8E8C5 | 248,232,197 | skin | |
PCP | FEEEC8 | 254,238,200 | peachpale | |
TIP | FFF3E0 | 255,243,224 | thousandislandpale | |
SHL | FFE5B3 | 255,229,179 | peachpale | |
PPI | FFC89E | 255,200,158 | peachpie | |
FAB | FABF99 | 250,191,153 | fabulous | |
GUM | E39C79 | 227,156,121 | gum | |
FRS | F7A068 | 247,160,104 | fresh | |
PCH | F5B47D | 245,180,125 | peaches | |
SH | FFCC99 | 245,180,125 | sherbet | |
PAP | F9BA5B | 255,204,102 | papaya | |
ORJ | FFB347 | 255,179,71 | orangejulius | |
OJ | E17100 | 225,113,0 | orangejuice | |
KET | D95C26 | 217,92,38 | ketchup | |
TK | C2540A | 194,84,10 | teak | |
ROT | F62900 | 246,41,0 | rotten | |
TR | DF0500 | 223,5,0 | truered | |
DNG | C82200 | 200,34,0 | danger | |
RED | BA0000 | 186,0,0 | redlink | |
RDC | AB4D43 | 171,77,67 | redclay | |
LIP | FF6E6E | 255,110,110 | lipstick | |
STW | F78181 | 247,129,129 | strawberry | |
RS | BB7070 | 216,236,255 | redsoft | |
RSM | A55858 | 165,88,88 | redsmoke | |
HOT | 6B171A | 107,23,26 | hotblooded | |
RBK | 520C02 | 82,12,2 | redbrick | |
TV | 66023C | 102,2,60 | trueviolet | |
RBD | 7F525D | 127,82,93 | rosybrowndark | |
TMA | BC3F7D | 188,63,125 | truemagenta | |
TCR | BF1F67 | 191,31,103 | truecrimson | |
GRL | DD9999 | 221,153,153 | girl | |
TI | F8D8C5 | 248,216,197 | thousandisland | |
PEN | FDE3D4 | 253,227,212 | penis | |
NIP | F2E6CE | 242,230,206 | nipple | |
TP | DDC4A0 | 221,196,160 | tanpale | |
POT | E6D3AB | 230,211,171 | potato | |
WXP | EDE0AB | 237,224,171 | waxpale | |
TBE | F8EABA | 248,234,186 | truebeige | |
DAI | FCFFAC | 252,255,172 | daisy | |
FRV | FDEEBB | 253,238,187 | frenchvanilla | |
VA | FFF7CB | 255,247,203 | vanilla | |
BPC | F7EEAE | 247,238,174 | butterpecan | |
BUT | F7F8A0 | 247,248,160 | butter | |
GOP | FBEDA9 | 250,236,167 | goldenpale | |
BLO | FEF696 | 254,246,150 | blond | |
CUS | FCFC81 | 252,252,129 | custard | |
GLD | F7E375 | 247,227,117 | gilded | |
PEE | FFE303 | 255,226,3 | pee | |
UR | FCD437 | 252,212,55 | urine | |
MST | ECCC01 | 236,204,1 | mustard | |
GOL | E7C240 | 231,194,64 | golden | |
COR | CCAD33 | 204,173,51 | coriander | |
MSD | C69D28 | 198,157,40 | mustarddark | |
MYD | F1E696 | 241,230,150 | mellowyellowdark | |
WX | DEC480 | 222,196,128 | wax | |
WNP | C2B170 | 194,177,112 | walnutpale | |
PN | 978255 | 151,130,85 | peanut | |
PNL | B29A70 | 178,154,112 | peanutlight | |
OKL | C3B091 | 195,176,145 | oaklight | |
OAK | C0A079 | 192,160,121 | oak | |
WIP | 987654 | 152,118,84 | wickerpale | |
OKM | 977D58 | 151,125,88 | oakmedium | |
WIC | B5985A | 181,152,90 | wicker | |
WNS | 8A785C | 138,120,92 | walnutsmoke | |
VEN | A67D3D | 166,125,61 | veneer | |
PCL | 826235 | 130,98,53 | pecanlight | |
SIL | 996643 | 153,102,67 | siennalight | |
CHN | 964B00 | 148,74,0 | chestnut | |
SIM | 784927 | 120,73,39 | siennamedium | |
PEC | 6B4911 | 107,73,17 | pecan | |
BRL | 593A19 | 89,58,25 | brownlight | |
WN | 57410F | 87,65,15 | walnut | |
WNL | 7A5F1F | 122,95,31 | walnutlight | |
MS | 736326 | 115,99,38 | moss | |
WO | 9D8F50 | 157,143,80 | wood | |
MOP | A0A060 | 160,160,96 | mosspale | |
SYB | CCC266 | 204,194,102 | soybean | |
GG | D1CB8F | 209,203,143 | gringo | |
SAG | D2D2A1 | 230,230,186 | sage | |
SGD | C0C090 | 192,192,144 | sagedark | |
EGD | A1A285 | 161,162,133 | ecrugreendark | |
EG | C7C9A9 | 199,201,169 | ecrugreen | |
KP | E6E6BA | 230,230,186 | khakipale | |
LMP | ECF1B1 | 236,241,177 | limonpale | |
GAR | EEF79F | 238,247,159 | garbanzo | |
CHP | F0F080 | 240,240,128 | chickpea | |
UNR | E4F64A | 228,246,74 | unripe | |
LIM | E7EB78 | 231,235,120 | limon | |
GU | C6C95B | 198,201,91 | guacamole | |
AV | A5AD3D | 165,173,61 | avocado | |
KW | BCC534 | 188,197,52 | kiwi | |
AVL | AEBE68 | 174,190,104 | avocadolight | |
AVD | 767F14 | 118,127,20 | avocadodark | |
MSL | 8F8D4C | 143,141,76 | mosslight | |
OLI | 737339 | 115,115,57 | olivesoft | |
MOD | 5C540A | 92,84,10 | mossdark | |
GCL | 5C5C33 | 92,92,51 | greencamolight | |
GC | 474719 | 71,71,25 | greencamo | |
GCD | 333300 | 51,51,0 | greencamodark | |
GSD | 373D2D | 55,61,45 | greensmokedark | |
GSM | 46503F | 70,80,63 | greensmokemedium | |
CBD | 363E3C | 54,62,60 | cadetbluedark | |
CBM | 364951 | 54,73,81 | cadetbluemedium | |
ODD | 283A10 | 40,58,16 | olivedrabdark | |
TSD | 385042 | 56,80,66 | tealsmokedark | |
GM | 45593E | 69,89,62 | glassmidnight | |
GRS | 3E5632 | 62,86,50 | greensmoke | |
FGL | 3F5D1F | 63,93,31 | forestgreenlight | |
EML | 3E773F | 62,119,63 | emeraldlight | |
EM | 006F3B | 0,111,59 | emerald | |
EMD | 055726 | 5,87,38 | emeralddark | |
FGP | 698057 | 105,128,87 | forestgreenpale | |
GSL | 66795D | 102,121,93 | greensmokelight | |
GSP | 9CAF92 | 156,175,146 | greensmokepale | |
J | CDE7B5 | 205,231,181 | jade | |
CGP | C0D883 | 192,216,131 | camogreenpale | |
JD | A6D086 | 166,208,134 | jadedark | |
GT | A3D174 | 163,209,116 | greentea | |
CGL | 98BB67 | 152,187,103 | camogreenlight | |
ENV | 9ACD32 | 154,205,50 | envy | |
KL | ADFF2F | 173,255,47 | keylime | |
PST | BFFF80 | 191,255,128 | pistachio | |
BGD | 45B152 | 69,177,82 | brightgreendark | |
BGR | 71BC78 | 113,188,120 | brightgreen | |
MD | 99CC99 | 153,204,153 | mintdark | |
WGP | B0C9AD | 176,201,173 | wintergreenpale | |
BGL | BEF1B5 | 190,241,181 | brightgreenlight | |
MI | C3E3BF | 195,227,191 | mint | |
GRO | C8DCC1 | 200,220,193 | greenroom | |
DRL | D2DBD6 | 210,219,214 | dreamlight | |
DRM | BCC9C2 | 188,201,194 | dream | |
TSL | 9FB3A9 | 159,179,169 | tealsmokelight | |
DRD | 758278 | 117,130,120 | dreamdark | |
TSM | 7E9388 | 126,147,136 | tealsmoke | |
GL | A3BFB1 | 163,191,177 | glass | |
WGL | 7CA698 | 124,166,152 | wintergreenlight | |
GLM | 66998F | 102,153,143 | glassmedium | |
WNG | 527A66 | 82,122,102 | wintergreen | |
NSD | 1F2F47 | 31,47,71 | navysmokedark | |
URB | 1D2439 | 29,36,57 | urbanblue | |
NMN | 0E1337 | 14,19,55 | navymidnight | |
RGD | 192E4D | 25,46,77 | regalbluedark | |
NS | 193857 | 25,56,87 | navysmoke | |
DMB | 264C72 | 38,76,114 | drummerboy | |
RG | 003366 | 0,51,102 | regalblue | |
BLB | 004488 | 0,68,136 | blueblood | |
RGL | 006699 | 0,102,153 | regalbluelight | |
BLE | 83A8B8 | 131,168,184 | bleu | |
GLB | C0CECE | 192,206,206 | glassblue | |
CS | CEE7E4 | 206,231,228 | cyansmoke | |
BSH | D3EAFE | 211,234,254 | blueish | |
JWB | D5EFFF | 213,239,255 | jimbowalesblue | |
WA | D0F0F2 | 208,240,242 | water | |
KWP | C0EFFA | 192,239,250 | kewlpale | |
WAM | ABE8FF | 171,232,255 | watermedium | |
CSM | C0E6DF | 192,230,223 | cyansmokemedium | |
CSD | A7D5D5 | 167,213,213 | cyansmokedark | |
KWL | 9DDDDD | 157,221,221 | kewl | |
RLT | 00DDF3 | 0,221,243 | realteal | |
WAD | 35C6D9 | 53,198,217 | waterdark | |
RTD | 45C6F1 | 69,198,241 | realtealdark | |
SEC | 6DBFFF | 109,191,255 | secret | |
BBL | 00ADEF | 0,173,239 | blueballslight | |
TFB | 2FACED | 47,127,237 | twofacedblue | |
BBD | 2B7EC2 | 43,126,194 | blueballsdark | |
BB | 0096D3 | 0,150,211 | blueballs | |
BOY | 60ABCD | 96,171,205 | boy | |
CI | 82B7D2 | 130,183,210 | cielo | |
BJL | B2CFDB | 178,207,219 | bluejeanlight | |
BJP | D3E8F0 | 211,232,240 | bluejeanpale | |
CIL | DFF2F5 | 223,242,245 | cielolight | |
WAP | E6F4F4 | 230,244,244 | waterpale | |
KBW | EBF4FF | 235,244,255 | kosherbluewhite | |
BSL | CBDCE3 | 203,220,227 | bluesmokelight | |
BSM | CAD4E7 | 202,212,231 | bluesmokemedium | |
BLG | BBC0C7 | 187,192,199 | bluegray | |
BS | A3B0BF | 163,176,191 | bluesmoke | |
BBB | E0E0FF | 224,224,255 | babyblue | |
CLL | E0F2FF | 224,242,255 | clearlight | |
CLR | D0E7FF | 13,231,235 | clear | |
KBL | C5DDF8 | 197,221,248 | kosherbluelight | |
CN | A7D7F8 | 167,215,248 | cleanblue | |
CLD | A3D3FF | 163,211,255 | cleardark | |
CND | 5FA2BD | 95,162,189 | cleanbluedark | |
BJ | 76A1C4 | 118,161,196 | bluejean | |
RGP | 5A88B6 | 90,136,182 | regalbluepale | |
BJD | 5179A7 | 81,121,167 | bluejeandark | |
BD | 2A4B8D | 42,75,141 | bluedrab | |
ND | 000050 | 0,0,80 | navydark | |
RAB | 0A388D | 10,56,141 | ratsassblue | |
KB | 3B5998 | 59,89,152 | kosherblue | |
SAP | 1F3BAD | 31,59,173 | sapphire | |
TB | 0645AD | 6,69,173 | trueblue | |
MEB | 2C41CE | 44,65,206 | messageblue | |
SPI | 3366CC | 51,102,204 | spirulina | |
AR | 4475F5 | 68,117,245 | almostroyal | |
RM | 7DA2DB | 125,162,219 | rigormortis | |
SPP | 85ADFF | 133,173,255 | sapphirepale | |
RMP | CEDEF2 | 206,222,242 | rigormortispale | |
PWP | D9E3F2 | 217,227,242 | periwinklepale | |
SKY | CDD8EC | 205,216,236 | sky | |
PER | C1CBE1 | 193,203,225 | periwinkle | |
FBB | 6E83B8 | 110,131,184 | facebookblue | |
PWD | 6A74B5 | 106,116,181 | periwinkledark | |
PWM | 2E346B | 46,52,107 | periwinklemidnight | |
SKD | 3C3B6E | 60,59,110 | skypurpledark | |
NSK | 686285 | 104,98,133 | nightsky | |
SKL | B2B8CC | 178,184,204 | skypurplelight | |
SKP | E8EAF6 | 232,234,246 | skypurplepale | |
DKW | D8E1E2 | 216,225,226 | duskwhite | |
INW | DBDBFB | 219,219,251 | indigowhite | |
INP | C0C8FF | 192,200,255 | indigopale | |
INQ | B2B7F2 | 178,183,242 | indigoquote | |
INL | 9F9FFE | 159,159,254 | indigolight | |
SKM | AAAADD | 170,170,221 | skypurplemedium | |
IND | 4444AA | 68,68,170 | indigodark | |
INM | 8779DD | 135,121,221 | indigomedium | |
PSD | 666699 | 102,102,153 | purplesmokedark | |
PS | 8888BB | 136,136,187 | purplesmoke | |
PSL | 9999BB | 153,153,187 | purplesmokelight | |
CP | BCBCCC | 188,188,204 | cloudpale | |
CLM | 86849A | 134,132,154 | cloudmedium | |
PSM | 777380 | 119,115,128 | purplesmokemedium | |
CL | 656578 | 101,101,120 | cloud | |
CDK | 494251 | 73,66,81 | clouddark | |
IM | 1F1430 | 31,20,48 | indigomidnight | |
PHD | 312131 | 49,33,49 | purplehazedark | |
PH | 524369 | 82,67,105 | purplehaze | |
GRP | 5C3399 | 92,51,153 | grape | |
UN | 8F66CC | 143,102,204 | unicorn | |
UNL | AF99CF | 175,153,207 | unicornlight | |
TAD | CAC0D6 | 202,192,214 | tarodark | |
PYL | BFB4BD | 191,180,189 | purpleyamlight | |
PHL | AFA3BF | 175,163,191 | purplehazelight | |
LIL | BF93BF | 191,147,191 | lilac | |
MGL | B87AB8 | 184,122,184 | magentalight | |
ALL | BB7799 | 187,119,156 | allium | |
SPN | 8C527B | 140,82,123 | spleen | |
LLD | 733E66 | 115,62,102 | lilacdark | |
PYM | 89707f | 137,112,127 | purpleyammedium | |
PPY | 998A8A | 153,138,138 | purpleyam | |
POI | B891A0 | 184,145,160 | poi | |
LLY | DCA3B4 | 220,163,180 | lily | |
ORL | EBC8FF | 235,200,255 | orchidlight | |
EAM | D9BFE5 | 217,191,229 | eastermedium | |
EA | E0CEF2 | 224,206,242 | easter | |
LLL | E5D3E8 | 229,211,232 | lilaclight | |
EAL | E5DBF4 | 229,219,244 | easterlight | |
EAP | F6EEFE | 246,238,254 | easterpale | |
LLW | F9F5FE | 249,245,254 | lilacwhite | |
MVW | FCFBFC | 252,251,252 | mauvewhite | |
EAW | FAF5FF | 250,245,255 | easterwhite | |
MVL | F7EDF7 | 247,237,247 | mauvelight | |
TRW | F0E6F5 | 240,230,245 | tarowhite | |
TA | E5D3E8 | 229,211,232 | taro | |
SPL | E1D0D4 | 247,226,226 | spiritual | |
MV | D2C2C4 | 235,223,230 | mauve | |
MVD | C4ABB5 | 196,171,181 | mauvedark | |
PIP | F7E2E2 | 247,226,226 | pinkpale | |
UNP | FFEBFF | 255,235,255 | unicornpale | |
LAW | FFF0FF | 255,240,255 | lavenderwhite | |
UNW | FFF7FB | 255,247,251 | unicornwhite | |
RPL | FEF6F7 | 254,246,247 | rosepinklight | |
BPI | FFF5F5 | 255,245,245 | babypink | |
JWP | FFEAEA | 255,234,234 | jimbowalespink | |
RPI | FFE4E1 | 255,228,225 | rosepink | |
VAG | FFDEDF | 255,222,223 | vagina | |
WKP | FFD0D0 | 255,208,208 | wikipink | |
PEP | FAAFBE | 250,175,190 | peptobismol | |
ROU | FF99AD | 255,153,173 | rouge | |
RPD | FFAAAA | 255,170,170 | rosepinkdark | |
ANC | F1DAD2 | 214,218,210 | ancient | |
NM | E9E3D9 | 233,227,217 | nutmilk | |
MRP | CFC9AB | 207,201,171 | morelpale | |
AL | D5C9BC | 213,201,188 | almond | |
PIC | CFBFB0 | 207,191,176 | pinkcashew | |
ECD | C9BCA8 | 201,188,168 | ecrudark | |
GWS | B19F95 | 177,159,149 | greywash | |
ALD | 988675 | 152,134,117 | almonddark | |
BUP | 988C87 | 152,140,135 | burgundypale | |
MRL | 857B60 | 133,123,96 | morel | |
BUL | 665656 | 102,86,86 | burgundylight | |
BBR | 4F3C3B | 79,60,59 | brickbrown | |
BU | 472420 | 71,36,32 | burgundy | |
AU | 2B1B0E | 43,27,14 | aubergine | |
AUS | 3C2F26 | 60,47,38 | auberginesoft | |
DUS | 453B3A | 69,59,58 | dusk | |
BSD | 4B3C34 | 75,60,52 | brownsoftdark | |
BRS | 5C4C3D | 92,76,61 | brownsoft | |
SHI | 6E5D41 | 110,93,65 | shiitake | |
BRO | 503B1E | 80,59,30 | truebrown | |
DKD | 292011 | 41,32,17 | duskdark | |
BMN | 1D1916 | 29,25,22 | brownmidnight | |
DKM | 181212 | 24,18,18 | duskmidnight | |
STO | 403A3C | 64,58,60 | storm | |
NI | 37322F | 55,50,47 | nightmare | |
SMK | 4F4944 | 79,74,68 | smoke | |
DKL | 544B47 | 84,75,71 | dusklight | |
DKP | 8B847E | 139,132,126 | duskpale | |
SML | 877F72 | 135,127,114 | smokelight | |
COD | B2AA9A | 178,170,154 | concretedirty | |
SMP | A8A49D | 168,164,157 | smokepale | |
STR | D7DBC6 | 215,219,198 | sterling | |
CON | DEDCD9 | 222,220,217 | concrete | |
INT | DADAE2 | 218,218,226 | interface | |
DUL | CFCDD0 | 207,205,208 | dull | |
FOP | C8CCD1 | 200,204,209 | fogpale | |
MGE | ABABAB | 171,171,171 | mediumgray | |
ME | A3B1BF | 163,177,191 | metal | |
IGG | A6AAAE | 166,170,174 | instagramgray | |
DKB | ABABBA | 171,171,186 | duskblue | |
FGB | A2A9B1 | 162,169,177 | fogblue | |
ST | 9098A3 | 144,152,163 | steel | |
CD | 7D7F7C | 125,127,124 | concretedark | |
FOG | 72777D | 114,119,125 | fog | |
TWG | 4C545C | 76,84,92 | twittergray | |
FGD | 54595D | 84,89,93 | fogdark | |
GEY | 555559 | 85,85,89 | grey | |
EAG | 6C6865 | 108,104,101 | earlgrey | |
DU | 4B493F | 75,73,63 | dust | |
BKL | 4C4A48 | 76,74,72 | blacksmokelight | |
FGM | 323232 | 50,50,50 | fogmidnight | |
BKS | 232028 | 35,32,40 | blacksmoke | |
BKM | 040811 | 4,8,17 | blackmidnight | |
BKD | 080403 | 8,4,3 | blacksmokedark | |
MNT | 0D1511 | 13,21,17 | tealmidnight | |
OSD | 38382E | 56,56,46 | olivesmokedark | |
CAG | 333725 | 51,55,37 | camogreen | |
IRO | 707453 | 112,116,83 | iron | |
OLS | 5E5E4E | 94,94,78 | olivesmoke | |
CAB | 9B977D | 155,151,125 | camobeige | |
E | DEDAC6 | 222,218,198 | ecru |
see | # | hex | rgba | HTML |
MAN | FBF3C8 | 251,243,200 | manila | |
DBW | FFFAE0 | 255,250,224 | debatablewhite | |
WAR | FFFBE7 | 255,251,251 | warmwhite | |
LIT | FFFCF0 | 255,252,240 | litewhite | |
OFF | FEFFEF | 254,255,239 | offwhite | |
PIS | FCFFEB | 252,255,235 | pisswhite | |
WHW | FFFFF2 | 255,255,242 | whitestwhite | |
GDW | FFFFEC | 255,255,236 | goldwhite | |
LMW | F9FBE4 | 249,251,228 | limonwhite | |
LEP | FFFFD9 | 255,255,217 | lemonpale | |
MY | FDFEC8 | 253,254,200 | mellowyellow | |
BC | F8F9D5 | 248,249,213 | buttercream | |
KKW | FCFFD7 | 252,255,215 | khakiwhite | |
GRU | F5FFCF | 245,255,207 | gruewhite | |
GTL | EAF3CD | 234,243,205 | greentealight | |
ALP | EEFADF | 238,250,223 | aloepale | |
YGW | F1FFE0 | 241,255,224 | yellowgreenwhite | |
PMP | EAFFD6 | 234,255,214 | peppermintpale | |
YGP | E3FFD4 | 227,255,212 | yellowgreenpale | |
ALO | DEF9D5 | 222,249,213 | aloe | |
PM | CFFFC2 | 207,255,194 | peppermint | |
DMW | D4EFD4 | 212,239,212 | dreamwhite | |
SM | CEF2E0 | 206,242,224 | spearmint | |
AMP | C5FCDC | 196,252,219 | aquamarinepale | |
AMW | DFFFE3 | 223,255,227 | aquamarinewhite | |
JWG | EAFFEA | 234,255,234 | jimbowalesgreen | |
CYW | E0FFFF | 224,255,255 | cyanwhite | |
KWW | E7FFF7 | 231,255,247 | kewlwhite | |
WK | ECFCF4 | 236,252,244 | wikiwhite | |
MW | F0FFF7 | 240,255,247 | mintwhite | |
TUW | F5FDFE | 245,253,254 | turquoisewhite | |
WDB | F2FAFB | 242,250,251 | whitedebate | |
SKW | F5FBFF | 241,251,255 | skywhite | |
WST | FAFAFD | 250,250,253 | whitestwhite | |
SLI | FAFFFB | 250,255,251 | slightlywhite | |
GRW | F7FEF6 | 247,254,246 | greenwhite | |
GTW | F8FDF7 | 248,253,247 | greenteawhite | |
MSW | F9FCFF | 249,252,255 | mistywhite | |
NQW | FEFFFE | 254,255,254 | notquitewhite | |
FVW | FEFDFD | 253,252,252 | favoritewhite | |
WTW | FCFCFF | 252,252,255 | whiterthanwhite | |
TW | F7FAF9 | 247,250,249 | tealwhite | |
IGW | F6F7F7 | 246,247,247 | instagramwhite | |
BSW | FAFAFF | 250,250,255 | basicwhite | |
ALW | FAF9FA | 250,249,250 | almostwhite | |
PUW | F8F2FF | 248,242,254 | purplewhite | |
BGW | F8F9FA | 248,249,250 | backgroundwhite | |
WAL | FAFAF7 | 250,250,247 | whitewall | |
IMP | FCFBF9 | 252,251,249 | imperfect | |
BRW | FEFCF9 | 254,252,249 | brightwhite | |
OW | FEFBF6 | 254,251,246 | orangewhite | |
RW | FEFAF6 | 254,250,246 | redwhite | |
YW | FEFDF6 | 254,253,246 | yellowwhite | |
WHS | FBFAEC | 251,250,236 | whisper | |
CRP | F9FAF0 | 249,250,240 | creampale | |
BLA | F9F9EC | 249,249,236 | bland | |
EW | F7F6EE | 247,246,238 | elegantwhite | |
ECW | F5F5DC | 245,245,220 | ecruwhite | |
LOT | FDF8EB | 253,248,235 | lotion | |
TOW | FFF8F8 | 255,248,248 | tomatowhite | |
FV | F6F7F8 | 246,247,248 | favorite | |
KOW | F2FAFB | 242,250,251 | kosherwhite | |
CLW | F4F9FF | 244,249,255 | cleanwhite | |
CW | F5FAFF | 245,250,255 | clearwhite | |
BLW | F6F8FE | 246,248,254 | bluewhite | |
WHT | F7F8FF | 247,248,255 | whitish | |
MOG | EDF3FD | 237,243,253 | morningglory | |
SLW | F0F4F6 | 240,244,246 | slatewhite | |
UNB | F0F0FF | 240,100,97 | unicornblue | |
PIW | FAF3F3 | 250,243,243 | pinkwhite | |
GEW | F2F3F1 | 242,243,241 | graywhite | |
BG | EFEFEB | 239,239,235 | background | |
RYW | EFEFF1 | 239,239,241 | royalwhite | |
ED | EDEDED | 237,237,237 | eddy | |
FGW | EAECF0 | 234,236,240 | fogwhite | |
JWW | E9E9FF | 233,233,255 | jimbowaleswhite | |
FBW | F0F2F5 | 240,242,245 | facebookwhite | |
GLW | EBEFF0 | 235,239,240 | glasswhite | |
DW | EFF2EE | 239,242,238 | dirtywhite | |
SAW | EEF2E8 | 238,242,232 | sagewhite | |
GGW | F0F2E9 | 240,242,233 | gringowhite | |
EGL | EDEFE1 | 237,239,225 | ecrugreenlight | |
CRM | F8F6E8 | 248,246,232 | cream | |
TAW | EDEBE6 | 168,164,157 | taupewhite | |
CSH | EBEBD2 | 235,235,210 | cashew | |
MAC | F1F1DE | 241,241,222 | macadamia | |
CRE | F0ECD2 | 240,236,210 | creampie | |
DRA | EDEBDF | 237,235,223 | drab | |
BIW | EDE7D9 | 237,231,217 | bisquewhite | |
WGW | DFF1E6 | 223,241,230 | wintergreenwhite | |
NIW | E7EAE8 | 231,234,232 | nickelwhite | |
BSP | E5E9EC | 229,233,236 | bluesmokepale | |
SMW | E1E1E1 | 225,225,225 | smokewhite | |
CCW | E2DFDA | 226,223,218 | concretewhite | |
WAW | E6E5D4 | 230,229,212 | walnutwhite | |
GP | DBDBDB | 219,219,219 | graypale | |
EP | E0E0D1 | 224,224,209 | ecrupale | |
SGW | D5DBE0 | 213,219,224 | slategraywhite | |
WW | DEDAC6 | 222,218,198 | woodwhite | |
GRT | D8D8D8 | 216,216,216 | greatwhite | |
GTA | CFCAC4 | 207,202,196 | graytaupe | |
RBW | D9CFCB | 217,207,203 | rosybrownwhite | |
PCW | F5E3D0 | 245,227,208 | peachwhite | |
PNP | EBD7B6 | 235,215,182 | peanutpale | |
SIW | E1C6AE | 225,198,174 | siennawhite | |
RBP | D1BFB8 | 209,191,184 | rosybrownpale | |
CHW | CBC0B9 | 203,192,185 | chocolatewhite | |
ASH | CFCFBF | 207,207,191 | ashen | |
GRR | CDCCCC | 209,191,184 | grayer | |
MNW | C6CBDC | 198,203,220 | midnightwhite | |
CRW | CBD1DB | 203,209,219 | chromewhite | |
RE | D2DBD6 | 210,219,214 | reflection | |
GLP | DDE3D7 | 221,227,215 | glasspale | |
GLL | CCD7CE | 204,215,206 | glasslight | |
GUP | E2E9D7 | 226,227,215 | guacamolepale | |
AVP | E0EBCF | 224,235,207 | avocadopale |
see | # | hex | rgba | HTML |
LA | E6E6FA | 230,230,250 | lavender | |
LST | B0C4DE | 176,196,222 | lightsteelblue | |
LSL | 778899 | 119,136,153 | lightslategray | |
SLG | 708090 | 112,128,144 | slategray | |
BL | 000000 | 0,0,0 | black | |
DIG | 696969 | 105,105,105 | dimgray | |
GE | 808080 | 128,128,128 | gray | |
DGY | A9A9A9 | 169,169,169 | darkgray | |
S | C0C0C0 | 192,192,192 | silver | |
LGE | D3D3D3 | 211,211,211 | lightgray | |
GA | DCDCDC | 220,220,220 | gainsboro | |
WS | F5F5F5 | 245,245,245 | whitesmoke | |
W | FFFFFF | 255,255,255 | white | |
GW | F8F8FF | 248,248,255 | ghostwhite | |
AB | F0F8FF | 240,248,255 | aliceblue | |
MC | F5FFFA | 245,255,250 | mintcream | |
HD | F0FFF0 | 240,255,240 | honeydew | |
AZ | F0FFFF | 240,255,255 | azure | |
LCY | E0FFFF | 224,255,255 | lightcyan | |
PT | AFEEEE | 175,238,238 | paleturquoise | |
PB | B0E0E6 | 176,224,230 | powderblue | |
LB | ADD8E6 | 173,216,230 | lightblue | |
SK | 87CEEB | 135,206,235 | skyblue | |
LSK | 87CEFA | 135,206,250 | lightskyblue | |
DSK | 00BFFF | 0,191,255 | deepskyblue | |
DOB | 1E90FF | 30,144,255 | dodgerblue | |
STB | 4682B4 | 70,130,180 | steelblue | |
COB | 6495ED | 100,149,237 | cornflowerblue | |
RB | 4169E1 | 65,105,225 | royalblue | |
B | 0000FF | 0,0,255 | blue | |
MB | 0000CD | 0,0,205 | mediumblue | |
DB | 00008B | 0,0,139 | darkblue | |
N | 000080 | 0,0,128 | navy | |
MIB | 191970 | 25,25,112 | midnightblue | |
DSB | 483D8B | 72,61,139 | darkslateblue | |
SLB | 6A5ACD | 106,90,205 | slateblue | |
MSB | 7B68EE | 123,104,238 | mediumslateblue | |
IN | 4B0082 | 75,0,130 | indigo | |
MP | 9370DB | 147,112,219 | mediumpurple | |
BV | 8A2BE2 | 138,43,226 | blueviolet | |
RP | 663399 | 102,51,153 | rebeccapurple | |
DV | 9400D3 | 148,0,211 | darkviolet | |
DOR | 9932CC | 153,50,204 | darkorchid | |
PU | 800080 | 128,0,128 | purple | |
DM | 8B008B | 139,0,139 | darkmagenta | |
MOR | BA55D3 | 186,85,211 | mediumorchid | |
OR | DA70D6 | 218,112,214 | orchid | |
MG | FF00FF | 255,0,255 | magenta | |
FU | FF00FF | 255,0,255 | fuchsia | |
V | EE82EE | 238,130,238 | violet | |
PL | DDA0DD | 221,160,221 | plum | |
TH | D8BFD8 | 216,191,216 | thistle | |
LAB | FFF0F5 | 255,240,245 | lavenderblush | |
SN | FFFAFA | 255,250,250 | snow | |
SS | FFF5EE | 255,245,238 | seashell | |
L | FAF0E6 | 250,240,230 | linen | |
MR | FFE4E1 | 255,228,225 | mistyrose | |
PI | FFC0CB | 255,192,203 | pink | |
LP | FFB6C1 | 255,182,193 | lightpink | |
PVR | DB7093 | 219,112,147 | palevioletred | |
MVR | C71585 | 199,21,133 | mediumvioletred | |
DP | FF1493 | 255,20,147 | deeppink | |
HP | FF69B4 | 255,105,180 | hotpink | |
RBR | BC8F8F | 188,143,143 | rosybrown | |
T | D2B48C | 210,180,140 | tan | |
BW | DEB887 | 222,184,135 | burlywood | |
WH | F5DEB3 | 245,222,179 | wheat | |
BA | FFEBCD | 255,235,205 | blanchedalmond | |
AW | FAEBD7 | 250,235,215 | antiquewhite | |
PW | FFEFD5 | 255,239,213 | papayawhip | |
COS | FFF8DC | 255,248,220 | cornsilk | |
LY | FFFFE0 | 255,255,224 | lightyellow | |
OLD | FDF5E6 | 253,245,230 | oldlace | |
FW | FFFAF0 | 255,250,240 | floralwhite | |
I | FFFFF0 | 255,255,240 | ivory | |
BE | F5F5DC | 245,245,220 | beige | |
LGR | FAFAD2 | 250,250,210 | lightgoldenrodyellow | |
LCH | FFFACD | 255,250,205 | lemonchiffon | |
MO | FFE4B5 | 255,228,181 | moccasin | |
NW | FFDEAD | 255,222,173 | navajowhite | |
BI | FFE4C4 | 255,228,196 | bisque | |
PP | FFDAB9 | 255,218,185 | peachpuff | |
LS | FFA07A | 255,160,122 | lightsalmon | |
DS | E9967A | 233,150,122 | darksalmon | |
SA | FA8072 | 250,128,114 | salmon | |
LC | F08080 | 240,128,128 | lightcoral | |
TO | FF6347 | 255,99,71 | tomato | |
ORD | FF4500 | 255,69,0 | orangered | |
R | FF0000 | 255,0,0 | red | |
CR | DC143C | 220,20,60 | crimson | |
IR | CD5C5C | 205,92,92 | indianred | |
FB | B22222 | 178,34,34 | firebrick | |
BR | A52A2A | 165,42,42 | brown | |
DR | 8B0000 | 139,0,0 | darkred | |
M | 800000 | 128,0,0 | maroon | |
SBR | 8B4513 | 139,69,19 | saddlebrown | |
SI | A0522D | 160,82,45 | sienna | |
C | D2691E | 210,105,30 | chocolate | |
CO | FF7F50 | 255,127,80 | coral | |
DO | FF8C00 | 255,140,0 | darkorange | |
O | FFA500 | 255,165,0 | orange | |
SB | F4A460 | 244,164,96 | sandybrown | |
P | CD853F | 205,133,63 | peru | |
DGR | B8860B | 184,134,11 | darkgoldenrod | |
GR | DAA520 | 218,165,32 | goldenrod | |
GO | FFD700 | 255,215,0 | gold | |
Y | FFFF00 | 255,255,0 | yellow | |
K | F0E68C | 240,230,140 | khaki | |
PGR | EEE8AA | 238,232,170 | palegoldenrod | |
DK | BDB76B | 189,183,107 | darkkhaki | |
OL | 808000 | 128,128,0 | olive | |
DOG | 556B2F | 85,107,47 | darkolivegreen | |
OD | 6B8E23 | 107,142,35 | olivedrab | |
YG | 9ACD32 | 154,205,50 | yellowgreen | |
GY | ADFF2F | 173,255,47 | greenyellow | |
CH | 7FFF00 | 127,255,0 | chartreuse | |
LAG | 7CFC00 | 124,252,0 | lawngreen | |
LIG | 32CD32 | 50,205,50 | limegreen | |
LI | 00FF00 | 0,255,0 | lime | |
SP | 00FF7F | 0,255,127 | springgreen | |
LG | 90EE90 | 144,238,144 | lightgreen | |
PG | 98FB98 | 152,251,152 | palegreen | |
MSP | 00FA9A | 0,250,154 | mediumspringgreen | |
MSG | 3CB371 | 60,179,113 | mediumseagreen | |
SG | 2E8B57 | 46,139,87 | seagreen | |
FG | 228B22 | 34,139,34 | forestgreen | |
G | 008000 | 0,128,0 | green | |
DG | 006400 | 0,100,0 | darkgreen | |
DSL | 2F4F4F | 47,79,79 | darkslategray | |
TE | 008080 | 0,128,128 | teal | |
DCY | 008B8B | 0,139,139 | darkcyan | |
CB | 5F9EA0 | 95,158,160 | cadetblue | |
LSG | 20B2AA | 32,178,170 | lightseagreen | |
DT | 00CED1 | 0,206,209 | darkturquoise | |
MT | 48D1CC | 72,209,204 | mediumturquoise | |
TU | 40E0D0 | 64,224,208 | turquoise | |
CY | 00FFFF | 0,255,255 | cyan | |
AQ | 00FFFF | 0,255,255 | aqua | |
AM | 7FFFD4 | 127,255,212 | aquamarine | |
MA | 66CDAA | 102,205,170 | mediumaquamarine | |
DSG | 8FBC8B | 143,188,139 | darkseagreen |