Template:PCHIM Pee Review Table

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Prose and

The writing style,
spelling, grammar,
layout and overall
{{{Pscore}}} {{{Pcomment}}}
How good an idea
is behind the article?
{{{Cscore}}} {{{Ccomment}}}
How funny is it?
Why is it funny?
How can it be funnier?
{{{Hscore}}} {{{Hcomment}}}
How are the images?
Are they relevant,
with good quality
and formatting?
{{{Iscore}}} {{{Icomment}}}
The article's overall
quality - that indefinable
{{{Mscore}}} {{{Mcomment}}}
Final Score:
How much can it be
improved and what
are the most important
areas to work on.
Not reviewed yet {{{Fcomment}}}
Reviewer: {{{Signature}}}
Not reviewed yet!
Review now

An edited review table for my own personal use that puts presentation before concept/humour before images. The template is below.

{{User:PuppyOnTheRadio/Template:PCHIM Pee Review Table