Talk:The Dark Tower

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Re:”Your are...”[edit source]

Your are fucking stupid!

Its a book.

I cant believe you have the time to go on and write something like this about a book. No one gives a shit if you dont like the book but DONT GO MAKING UP THINGS about it.

Numerous Errors in the Texts[edit source]

Hi, I've been re-reading the series recently, i first read them 4 years ago or so, and i've noticed literally thousands of errors on every page. I can't believe i didn't notice them the first time around. For example, in The Spreading of the Butter the characters peter, greg and cindy, et al, seem practically interchangeable throughout chapter 8. it's as if King just frequently forgot the name of one character and couldn't be bothered to check back and instead gave them a different name each time they spoke. the different names only really become separate characters at the end of the novel which is when they all un-explainably die.

Also, in wizard and ass, there's a whole long paragraph where eddie is described as having the head of a fat, "menacing" walrus. It's never mentioned again! Is it meant to be there or what?

I don't know, but it seems now that im older, that these books were put together in someones basement or something.

These are just two of many examples, including spellin mistakes, graphical inacuracies etc, i've noted them all down. I was just wondering why this hasn't been mentioned in the article yet, and would it be ok if i made a section for it? The_arch_nemesis 00:25, 18 February 2008 (UTV)

Re:”... Stephen King”???”...”[edit source]

... Stephen King???

It's the ignorant, fuck offs like you that are ruining the great literature of our world. I understand you didn't "get" the large words in the book, but you shouldn't write immature paragraphs on one of the greatest writers of our time. It's shit like this my friend, that pisses me off to the ultimate level. Do you understand me or was the vocabulary to hard dear? So I just want you to know, you are possibly the largest ignoramace I have ever met. I hope that makes you feel good about yourself, because you cetaintly are special. Here's some advice, I am most likely ages younger than you, in fact I'm in my early teens I have read all 7 of these books and the plot was not spiratic, it's just your small mind couldn't grasp the concepts. Do us all a favor and delete this article, so we can go back to the intellect of the civilized world.

Dude seriously how big of a man can you get by bashing one of the most famous writers of our time? Do you get your jockies off bashing people? Cause if you do then heres one for you, you're a low life piece of shit, and like I'm sure your father and "invisible" girlfriend say, get a realfucking job!Peace out bitch

I'm also disappointed at this frankly inaccurate depiction of these excedingly pleasant novels. It is almost as if the author was just making stuff up off of the top of his head in a vain attempt to be amusing. Shame on him. I hope that one day, one fine day, he dies. Hard. (not really LOL)

P.s. where can i complain about all these horrid misqoutes attributed to Oscar Wilde???

Stephen King on why flagrant mistakes are actually, “Oscar Wilde’s Multiverse Series of Chronological Story Stitched Rewrites.”[edit source]

As Stephen King claimed in Rolling Stone, “I make things up from what I’m looking at but I could write it on my Nozz-O-La receipt and you’d buy it anyway.” He then went on to claim he solved peace in the Middle East through the use of radios in our fingernail cars and self identified as being the “The best god damn neo-liberal, post-modern second Renaissance person to ever wear a pair of sandals made from tires.” His new band, “King Steve and The Killenials” for which he plays banjo sings only covers of Maine native Marshall Mathers and original Dark Tower songs. With only the most catchy, up beat, and socially relevant lyrics. Such as, “When you want a full size Terminator ass tattoo/ Where do you come to?/ That place with the antsy pantsy nose candy.” He finished the scholarly article by using a famous Oscar Wilde quote, “When the line for fish is to long, just make some shit up.”