Programs Cancelled by Congress
A Brief Introduction[edit | edit source]
Throughout recent history, our congress has based its military research decisions upon the philosophy that if it can actually kill the enemy, it would be a bad thing. An example of this is the implementation of the M16 as our service rifle (during the Vietnam War and up to the present). This is due to infection of stupidity and weakness. Combine this attitude with the "all you need is love" attitudes of the deranged LSD hippies, and you get a recipe for disaster. I ask you, did Sparta ever stop when it was fighting those Persians and say, "couldn't we all just watch Mr. Roger's?" The answer, of course, is no! Those Persians were coming to burn their women and rape their crops; of course it was all out war! The ancients never deluded themselves about the realities of the world, and neither should we! But, the current reality is that our Congress, for some oxymoronic reason, wants weapons that don't kill the enemy. Question: If the weapons aren't meant to kill the enemy, then what are they meant to do, look pretty? Some sad day, there will be a nuclear attack on this country, and then we will finally wake from our stupor and realize that war really is all about just "killing the bastards." Until then, this page will document said deficiencies of congress and its suicidal weapons policies.
“Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.”
“War is simple, direct, and ruthless.”
“I think my opponent is forgetting the tremendous importance of killing the bastards.”
Casualties of War[edit | edit source]
The XM8[edit | edit source]
The XM8: In the 2005 the U.S. used $35.2 million to purchase 10,400 Heckler & Koch XM8 rifles. This wise and farsighted move would have been a much-needed return to sane defense funding policies. It seems that, however, Congress has still not recovered from its self-shackling defensive policies; the XM8, which would have replaced the massively sucky M16 with a service rifle that could actually kill whatever it hits, was cancelled on October 31st, 2005.
The RAH-66 Comanche[edit | edit source]
The RAH-66 Comanche: This helicopter eats communists for breakfast, and it's awesome. Although we have the largest defense budget in the world (or damn near), Congress would rather spend it on M16s and other inventions of Mr. Rogers, rather than on a new helicopter that would bring the fear of Allah into our foes. On February 23rd, 2003, Congress cancelled the Comanche line and switched funds to re-arming civilian helicopters which aren't even suitable for civilian use, let alone military applications. I suspect to a conspiracy by the communists!
The V-22 Osprey[edit | edit source]
The V-22 Osprey: Congress is worried about these things killing our enemies, which would, of course, violate the Geneva Convention! This thing also automatically kills a lotta terrorists per round. Notice the turban-seeking laser affixed to the front of the craft.
The Strategic Defense Initiative[edit | edit source]
The SDI Project: In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan began a program (jokingly called "Star Wars" by communist sympathizing, unbelieving Congressmen) that would construct a series of laser satellites to intercept incoming Soviet missiles. Reagan was not afraid to go against the technology-hoarding government and expose that we did have the capacity to build such a shield. The plan was shot down, however, by the vast government conspiracy and their communist orchestrators.
The Banshee[edit | edit source]
The Banshee: The Banshee was originally designed by Shiva H. Vishnu to control the massive grue population on Talon IV. They were causing problems by lurking and devouring adventurers in dark places. Congress, utilizing isolationist arguments dating back to the colonial era, argued that, because we were not on Talon IV, we should not be funding this project. While that might have been true, this spacecraft would have been totally awesome, and, therefore: UP YOURS, CONGRESS!
The Turbocopter[edit | edit source]
The Turbocopter: This killing machine was made by Michael Benitez, founder of Aerotech Corporation. Prototype design began in 2019, with beta-testing finishing by 2021. Several hundred were being constructed by March 22nd, 2025. Sadly, President Jordan West, the pacifist communist, believed in a policy of weakness and non-intervention in the events of the world. This stupidity led to our vulnerability to attack by the Communist Coalition in 2029.
The ROFL-Copter[edit | edit source]
The ROFL-Copter: Developed to fight off the unending hoards of LOLer SK8Rs on Talon IV. Congress cancelled the ROFL-Copter due to new plans for the Banshee, which they, of course, ended up cancelling anyway.
“The ROFLCOPTER is an important part of the defense of LOLerville. Along with the LMAOplane, TTYLnukes, and our troops carrying AFK47s, the ROFLCOPTER is used as a mobile troop carrier, and as an anti-TTYLTank weapons platform.”
The Weapon of Mass[edit | edit source]
Weapon of Mass: Inspired by bribes from the McDonald's Corporation, Congress undertook a plan to build a Weapon of Mass in the 1990s. However, concerns over the 1/3rd (and growing, pun definitely intended) of Americans suffering from obesity lead to Congress cancelling it in 2000. The Weapon of Mass is often mistaken for a Weapon of Mass Destruction or WMD. This confusion led to the Second Gulf War in 2003.
The Grue[edit | edit source]

The Grue: Much has been said about grues and their effectiveness as weapons. Ultimately, however, the Congress decided they were both ineffective, and in violation of the Geneva Convention due to their habit of huffing their fallen foes. Thus, Congress once again demonstrated its ineffectiveness in protecting the American people. Grues, as any self-respecting nerd or grueologist could tell you, are most effective against adventurers, whom they voraciously devour. They are also known to be minions of God, which might explain Congress's hesitance in using them; they would not want to offend another religion by not using their god's divine minions.
“It's over 20,000; OMG no Jedi has a midichlorian count that high!!!!!!!!!! AAAHH!!!!”
Grue Variants:[edit | edit source]
Grue: Medium Elemental(Darkness, Evil): CR ∞; HP 100d8+∞; Int+0; Spd 50ft.; AC 100(+50 Natural, +40 Deflection), touch 50, flat-footed 60; Base Atk+∞; Grp+you'll never escape a grue, so don't even try!; Atk+∞ melee (death, devour); SA Devour; SQ Invincibility, vulnerability to sunlight; AL NE; SV Fort+145, Ref+45, Will+100; Str 50, Dex 10,Con ∞, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 4
Skills and Feats: Intimidate+∞, Hide+0*; Grues have all feats!!
- In darkness, grues receive a +∞ racial bonus to hide checks.
Ur-Grue: Colossal Elemental(Darkness, Evil): CR ∞*∞ (no Jedi has a midichlorian count that high!); HP ∞; Init+0; Spd. 50ft.; AC ∞, touch ∞, flat-footed ∞; Base Atk+∞; Grp+you'll never escape a grue, so don't even try!; Atk+∞ melee (death, devour); SA Devour; SQ Invincibility, vulnerability to sunlight; AL NE; SV Fort+∞, Ref+∞, Will+∞; Str ∞, Dex 20, Con ∞, Int 6, Wis ∞, Cha 8
Skills and Feats: Intimidate+∞, Hide+0*; Grues have all feats!!
- In darkness, grues receive a +∞ racial bonus to Hide checks.