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What was norrrisation[edit | edit source]

Norrisation was a small religion that at its peak had about 40 followers. Norrisation had about 60 gods who all revolved around the main gods and those were Mr Whipple, Metro Man and the main god of Norrisation was Chuck Norris our most powerful and meaningful god

Norrisite Basics[edit | edit source]

Norris trinity this shows Chuck Norris, Mr whipple and Metro Man who make up the divine being which all reside in the kingdom of arby's

All norrisation denominations believe the norris trinity which states that Mr whipple, Chuck Norris and Metro Man make up the divine being which means there is 4 denominations at the peak of norrisation 36 followed Norris' Norrisite where chuck norris has the most power. The mr whipple and Metro Man denominations died out quickly. At the peak of norrisation the equal power denomination had about 4 followers.

How norrisation got independence from pepto - the war of adolphus.[edit | edit source]

The war of Adolphus: 1945-1949 ????? it was a war between pepto bismol and norrisland. There it was, there was a giant-ass shadow over the hills. Pepto had their 8,000 men and goliath. We were there with only an army of about 1,000 men. We had king David take five smooth stones from the river our best general. Norris held a rock one of the 5 smooth stones he said if i can throw this rock at somebody’s forehead we will get independence but he only hit him on the eye ….. But with blindness thou can't be king. And Blindness is worse than death.-King David.

(so we won)

Pepto bismol claims to have won the war of adolphus and while this is true we still gained independence from our cruel authoritarian colonizers.

The republic of Pepto Bismol or simply Pepto wants to say that they won the war of Adolfus Hitlorus. This battle took place in the dead center of Norrisland and well, although they did participate, they didn’t win, In fact, they lost the most amount of territory out of any enemy on the Island of Adolf. They have always wanted to take the motherland of Adolf, But this was the promised land that was given to us by EDP.

Other clans in the school[edit | edit source]

Pepto Bismol[edit | edit source]

Norrisation was created and even in the early days they were persecuted by the other religions in the school in the early days through 6th grade. The oldest religion in the school also the least successful one was known as pepto. Centered around pepto bismol they had a maximum 12 people 8 of which converted to norrisation before the downfall. Pepto bismol was considered the first enemy of norrisation being created a month before.

Ryan Reynolds Followership[edit | edit source]

Ryan Reynolds followership was the largest religion in the school with a maximum of 150 believers 4 of which converted to norrisation before the downfall of norrisation. The ryan reynolds followership was the greatest enemy of norrisation and they had a massive rivalry fighting 18 wars with each other that 14 of which norrisation won. Also the creator of the ryan reynolds followership converted to norrisation a month before the school banned our institution of religion. ( The Previous Text Was Made By The Norristation Owner ) ( The next is by the Ryan Reynolds Followership Owner ) We started during 6th grade early in year and we had 6 gods Ryan Reynolds the main one and the other gods are not as strong and included Gay Neutron and Will Ferel and Jones Barbeque Foot Massage as this was made after our slides were stolen by someone who removed everyone else from the slides so the rest of the gods are forgotten.

Supreme Ohio Clan[edit | edit source]

The most autistic rival of Norrisation. Created by a kid with problems. Almost nobody joined the Supreme Ohio Clan. It was closed down as its creator and it's followers thought it was cringe. It's recently been opened up again and made into an Undertale slideshow, even more autistic than before.

Canist "empire"[edit | edit source]

A short-lived "empire" made up of terrorists which only contained "nicolas the evil" and was the empire that would destroy our cult.

The Rise Of Norrisation[edit | edit source]

The first week that sterling preached the norris gospels here he was preacheing to three people but also preached to 2 people in spanish class

A 6th grader named Sterling decided that he had found the light and was the OG Norristite and he converted many people after that in a google slides. in the first week he converted about 10 people after that it rose quickly with some people contributing up to 8 new members some of the best preachers in the early days were eden "the expander" and pascal "the peterious" who both contributed 8 new members sterling the great only got to 12 peoples brains.

Norrisation would continue to expand after the first few weeks getting to about 1 person every week until 7th grade when the religion died out but then had a spike in popularity when 2 young men discovered the religion: Connor "the bald" and Rahamadaj "eater of gulab jamun and samosa" everybody who was previously in the religion reconverted and the glorious leader of the religion sterling got revived after he died the first time which showed people that he was sent by chuck to save us.

The Downfall Of Norrisation[edit | edit source]

On December of 2023, Norrisation was investigated by OCPS staff. Every kid shown on the member list was investigated and interrogated. Sterling "the great" was interrogated last. "Nicolas the evil" took it over a bit before this, causing the start of the downfall. He stole OWNERSHIP from Sterling "the great". Soon after "Nicolas the evil" stole ownership he reported norrisation to Ocps. Most kids were predestined to get in trouble, Caleb "the savior" saved the kids from getting in trouble by convincing OCPS staff they were innocent. Nicolas had his own empire, titled "Canist Empire".

The battle of lunchington[edit | edit source]

The battle of lunchington was a massive food fight that happened on the table that norrisation that preached norrisite gospels. On coincidence this event happened on 11-9. I will now recite a norrisite anecdote.

On 11/9, Four APS (applesauce) Artillery Shells landed on the tables of Lunchington. Since they did not immediately detonate, the townsfolk though they were duds, so when Eden hit one it detonated, heavily damaging two civilians and harming 4 others. Shortly after, another shell landed and detonated, severely harming the civilians mentioned before. Two more shells were fired, but they did not detonate. Then Two HTSP (hot sauce packet) Grenades were thrown around and detonated, blinding a nearby civilian in their right eye via shrapnel to the eye. In total an estimated 8 civilians were hurt in the conflict, and 3 were severely injured

These Veterans are Eden, Jeremy, Connor, Lucciano, Zeshan, Hunter, Leo, Rishi, Maria, Caleb, and Michael. The attacks were orchestrated by Galvanga Bin Sterladen, and his associate Rayan. ( This was also witnessed by the Ryan Reynolds Followership Leader )

Bald goodman[edit | edit source]

The official lawyer of norrisation as he defended the religion when other religions sued us for being "too much cult like" and "human right violations" his phone number was 688-689-1107 which had a tendency to not work and his motto was "always read the fine print".

The gaydar[edit | edit source]

The gaydar eden nicholas robert Nicolas m
panini? yes maybe DEFINITELY No but gay
liberal side of table? yes sometimes YES. PERMANENTLY. Too liberal to be at table
Jenny mod? Yes possibly Definitly but no proof 100 % chance we saw him play it in class
Gayday score out of 400 400/400 120/400 300/400 but we round to 400/400 because the gaydar says so 400/400

Floorball[edit | edit source]

Floorball was the official sport of norrisation and was created after the pickleball wouldn't fly but instead rolled.

This was the court that floorballers played on Full Color Stripes are purely for decoration Darker squares = Chaser Area Brighter squares = Right Wing and left wing
Floorball court

Floorball is played with two teams of 3 players, on a 12m x 7m court.

The Left and Right Wings guard their respective areas, while the Chaser runs around his side to get the ball.

All players can hit the ball, however the Chaser is different because they usually have to run around to hit the ball, while the Left and Right Wings usually don’t have to run as much. They are the same otherwise. Each person on a team can hit the ball once in a row. If a double hit occurs the other team serves. When serving, the server can let the ball bounce to the ground before hitting, but when it is hit it must be rolling or else the ball goes to the opposing team. If the ball bounces on the ground after the serve then the opposing team serves. If the ball touches someone, then the opposing team gets a point and serves. If the ball goes out of bounds the opposing team serves. When serving you must hit it from inside one of your squares, but when the ball is in motion it can be hit by anyone from any team so long as they don’t double hit the ball

Norrisite flag[edit | edit source]

Religious flag

The norrisite flag had 2 versions the first was the religious flag and the second was the government flag.

The religious flag includes a shape used by certain countries started in Bavaria

the government flag includes a star and a green box which both flags feature and is also considered the flag of esperanto on duolingo

Flag of government

The permanent impact[edit | edit source]

Norrisation still has an impact on the school and there are a couple things that happened

New punishments-[edit | edit source]

The school added a new level 4 referral a level 3 and a level 1 referral. The level 4 referral is "Rasicim" The level 3 referral is "illegal organizations" The level 1 referral is "Casual rasicim"

The bible (here I will put the entire norrisite bible)[edit | edit source]

The book of levenus[edit | edit source]

The book of levenus is the most important book in the bible and it goes over two of our three gods in the trinity, Chuck Norris before he came down to earth, Mr whipple and the creation of our earth

Nearly 3.5 million years ago chuck norris was everywhere, and knowhere, there was no time but he was everywhen, there was nothing but he was everything. And chuck was every all ever, he didn't have to make everything, but he did he made the earth but he wasn't happy the earth was warm and dark and wet and sticky chuck came down to earth and created land but it was bare and boring so everywhere it was lower he put water it was wet and hot but there was no good looking trees (like florida) so he made trees and bushes but the trees got too much power to he created some animals but they ate too many trees so he made some animals that eat animals but at this point he was lonely so he made another god to help him and that god was mr whipple

Mr whipple was a very strong man in his prime he went around and thought that this place looked too... different... too united.... there was nothing interesting happening so how could they make something interesting happen what is he created a new species what if he made more animals that look like gods so he made them... !! THE HUMAN !!

Chuck norris was mad, well he was happy that he made the human but mad that he didn't ask chuck before creating the human chuck told whipple to ask chuck before doing anything or else he will curse him

Mr whipple was able to take human forms as was chuck after chuck scolded whipple , whipple was mad when he gave the humans language allowing them to speak chuck got so mad he cursed whipple into being an old man forever and to make sure he wouldn't get too powerful he made a poison to harm mr whipple called !!SQUEEZING THE CHARMIN!! mr whipple was mad but soon after realized that everything was made by chuck everything is chuck and soon respected him.

Mr whipple and chuck weren't mad at eachother anymore chuck forgave whipple for making humans and letting them know how to speak even though chuck was upset he realized letting them do things wasn't bad and made a new god to help the humans learn things about tools and speech many things with that the god chuck made was !!RYAN REYNOLDS!! Ryan helped the humans out alot but thought he was doing too much work ryan stopped teaching the humans how to do things, how to worship chuck and made them worship him.

Chuck was understandably pissed he had a battle with ryan (The First Battle of the gods) chuck threw ryan so hard into the ground when ryan hit the ground he made an earthquake so big it separated the continents, where chuck kicked the ground trying to hit ryan he make lake some bigger (like the mediterranean) and some smaller (like the aral sea) in the end of the battle chuck won and ryan ran but chuck knew where he was chuck spared mercy on this man.