Low quality 80s middle school science video
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In very poorly stylized Impact font, the following words appear on the screen.
Then after thirty seconds of people running to music that's done with a terrible synthesizer and drum machine...
[Black out]
[Slow Vangelis-esque music is heard while the screen is black.]
[Fade back in after thirty seconds.]

"Hello, I'm Carl Sagan. Today I am going to talk to you about..."


[We can see Carl talking again but we can barely hear him due to the fact that the track is now in sub-par analogue instead of stereo or even on-par analogue.]

[Re-track; Carl is now seen sitting in a boring meeting. Although the sound is missing, it is safe to assume that he is breaking the fourth wall.]


[Black screen]




[We now see footage that has been taped over by a video of Kenny Loggins singing.]

[Something that is unrelated but looks science-y; a man doing something with water.]


"And that, people, is the scientific reason why every American student is forced to watch at least one science VHS that is static-y, badly made and is impossible to hear while they're in middle school. I hope you learned a lot. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get a plucking now."