Inspector Gadget

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“Crime always pays! Unless Inspector Gadget's around....”

~ Dr. Claw on his robotic nemesis

“GO GO GADGET GUN!!!!!!!!”

~ Some burgurlar about to shoot Inspector Gadget

Inspector Gadget is a strange man who for some reason has mechanical limbs and gadgets and whatnot. He is considered a freak of nature.

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Inspector Gadget was born after a puppet decided he wanted to be a real boy. Thanks to robotic implants, and some nuclear waste, Inspector Gadget was born.

Inspector Gadget would go after criminals for no reason, when he was not contributing to the delinquency of his minor niece Penny and her dog Brain.

Inspector Gadget and his Nemesis[edit | edit source]

Eventually, Inspector Gadget would encounter his greatest enemy, Dr. Claw. Dr. Claw was a veterinarian who put a giant needle into people's arms for no reason. Inspector Gadget and Dr. Claw met at a bar one day. Inspector Gadget offered Dr. Claw a drink, who responded by injecting him with his needle.

However, due to the fact that he had tried to inject a robotic arm with a needle, his needle ended up being damaged. He got angry and the two of them got in a bar fight. As this wasn't the first time this had happened, the bartender hid everyone through a hidden trapdoor.

Inspector Gadget defeated Dr. Claw by trapping him under seven tons of Brain's dog shit. Dr. Claw barely escaped, and vowed revenge on Inspector Gadget in a cliche villain fashion.

Foiling Dr. Claw's Plans[edit | edit source]

Dr. Claw, his right arm crushed by the massive amount of dog manure, had it replaced with a robotic claw, which ironically made him somewhat similar to his nemesis. He took up a life of crime after his veterinarian license was eaten by a stray dog.

Dr. Claw stole a state-of-the-art lair from an evil villain wannabe where he would kill his evil plans. He decided to kidnap the president of the United States and impersonate him so he could rule the world.

The plan actually succeeded for the most part, but the members of Congress got suspicious of him and sent Inspector Gadget after him.

Dr. Claw, knowing that Congress did not trust him, adultnapped them and replaced them with robotic duplicates, therefore ensuring his plans would go uninterrupted and therefore giving him further control.

Inspector Gadget burst into the president's office and revealed Dr. Claw to be a fake on television. Dr. Claw responded by ordering the military to destroy Inspector Gadget's house.

Inspector Gadget, not wanting to become a hobo, immediately went back to his house, allowing Dr. Claw to brainwash the citizens to do his bidding as well, AND RULE THE EARTH.

With things seemingly hopeless for Inspector Gadget, it seemed like the world was doomed. Fortunately, Inspector Gadget forced Dr. Claw to surrender by threatening to destroy his swimsuit magazine he had stolen from his pocket while he was returning home to his house.

Inspector Gadget had saved the day.

Dr. Claw's Revenge[edit | edit source]

Dr. Claw was furious that his plan had failed. He vowed revenge on Inspector Gadget. He decided to get revenge on kidnapping his whole family.

He kidnapped Brain, Penny, and some of his alcoholic friends from his favorite bar, where he would proceed to brainwash by forcing them to watch the Teletubbies.

He did this in order to get revenge on his nemesis, in case you hadn't already guessed.

This happened while Inspector Gadget was away from his house, so Dr. Claw sent him a message that he had kidnapped everybody he loved.

Inspector Gadget realized he had to save their butts or otherwise he would likely kill himself out of his own grief. He epicly fails and ends up kills his family, so he kills himself with an UNCLE gun. The End.